Never-ending plateau

I've been within 4 lbs (128-132) for almost a year now. I've tried spending a months doing mostly weights, mixing cardio and weights, doing all cardio... for most of this time I've eaten 80% of my TDEE (1700 calories, unless I workout). In the last three weeks or so I've been eating a lot less, more like around 1300 except on Sundays (I don't generally count, but I eat around 1700-2000 then). I dropped 2 lbs then but am now back up a pound and staying steady there.

So, is my body just content at this weight? I'm not trying to get much lower because my body is type is destined to have a big butt and chest, but ideally I'd like to lose around 5 more lbs. Thoughts? I've read lists of tips that say zig zagging calories, but I haven't found out much about how to do that.


  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    If you're using the TDEE method, your deficit is too high. Once you have <10 pounds to lose, you need to readjust. With only 4 pounds to lose, your deficit should only be 5-10%.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1) consistency consistency consistency

    2) When eating based on TDEE, don't eat back exercise cals (your daily intake should be the same regardless of whether or not you workout)

    3) with 5lbs to lose, your deficit should be small and progress will be slow. See #1 and add in a lot of patience.
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    I'm doing TDEE - 20% (1477 calories) wiith 3 days of exercise calculated. Dropped 5 pounds in 40 days. Make sure your calorie number is correct. Your profile says you've lost 27 pounds. That's awesome. When's the last time you recalculated your TDEE?
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    I just recaculated it on my current weight (since it's been the same for a long time now). I'll try to the lower deficit since I've gotten to the last few pounds. Thanks for all the input!