10 weeks in and the scale has stopped moving

I started my journey at 255 on Sept 19/13. I was doing ok (doing weight watchers) then 3 weeks later started tracking with MFP and started to see the weight fall off. I was averaging about 2-3lbs a week. I am currently at 238.
However, for the past 2 weeks the scale has moved a total of .8 lbs.

I eat around 1400-1500 calories a day (and am never hungry or feeling deprived) and I MEASURE everything. I count everything, even the tiniest bite of something
I workout 5-6 times a week doing cardio and strength train.
Every other day I do my strength (20 mins) and 30-50 mins on the treadmill (running at 4.5-5mph) or on the ellipticle.
The other days I either run the track at the gym (3-5 kms) or run at night (2.5kms). I have also been doing Biggest loser workout on my Wii.

I have opened my diary up.

Any help, comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

I was diagnosed a few years ago with PCOS.



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Your thread title leads me to believe that for 10 weeks you have lost 0 pounds, but your post says otherwise.

    But you haven't lost 0 pounds, you've lost consistently for 10 weeks, including the 0.8 pounds the past 2 weeks. That isn't a scale that's "not moving." First of all, a plateau is at least a month. Second, weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks you'll lose 2-3 pounds, others you won't lose anything.

    I quickly scanned a few days' worth on your food diary. To be honest, it looks pretty good, assuming you are accurately weighing/measuring everything. My advice is to keep doing what you're doing. Understand that with PCOS weight loss may be slower than someone without PCOS, but you will still lose weight. Patience is key.

    ETA: I was going to say your exercise calories burned estimates may be a little high, but it looks like you're not eating a whole lot of your exercise calories anyway. Keep doing what you're doing!
  • jennipooh0324
    jennipooh0324 Posts: 85 Member
    Yes, you are correct. I have lost 18 lbs since starting, but it has slowed right down.

    The exercise calories I get straight from the machines at the gym ( the treadmill and ellipticle) or from Nike+. I am hoping to get a heart rate monitor for Christmas that says the calories burned.

    As for the food, I do measure and weigh everything possible. And I very rarely eat my execise calories

    Thanks so much for your advice.

    I actually booked an appointment with the dietician in our dr. office for next wednesday, hoping they might be able to help a bit too.
  • jennipooh0324
    jennipooh0324 Posts: 85 Member
    any one have any thoughts or comments??
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    any one have any thoughts or comments??

    Go to settings -> update diet/fitness profile

    Make sure your daily limit is accurate. As you lose weight, you need fewer calories.
  • Jacson53
    Jacson53 Posts: 62 Member
    I can't offer much insight. However during my weight loss I have hit a number of plateaus where weight loss stopped for a good while. At 250 I was stuck for 2 weeks; the scale fluctuated up and down a couple pounds. I just put it down to my body adjusting, retaining water, gaining muscle, etc.

    I kept to my diet ( calories intake), but altered my exercise routine. More weights, longer walks, changed time of day.
    Each time I have made such a change, the scale started moving again.

    Hoping you figure a solution, maintain patience and keep your eye on the prize. :smile: