800 calories

So I was reading a Bob Harper book the other day and he said as part of the 14 day jump start you should only eat three small meals totaling 800 calories each day. I also met one of the Biggest Loser constants in August (as you can see by my profile picture) and asked him what it was like and he said they are told to only eat 800 calories a day the whole time they are on the ranch.
I can't believe this...if it's so unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories why are they promoting it?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member

    I can't believe this...if it's so unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories why are they promoting it?

    To get big results so people watch their show and buy the book. Money - it's all about the money.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    sure, sounds good to me
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    It is a TV show and they want ratings. Bob wants to sell his book so he makes sure you see results fast. It does not translate well to real life.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    For one thing, the people on the show are morbidly obese. 800 calories is probably fine- the rest their bodies burn off as fat. If you are close to a healthy weight, 800 calories is called anorexia.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Google how many of those contestants gain weight back after they leave the show.
  • MayaLove1
    MayaLove1 Posts: 25 Member
    If you are close to a healthy weight, 800 calories is called anorexia.

    While I agree 800 cals is not enough. I think that's a slight exaggeration, eating 800 cals a day does not mean you have anorexia.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    They do not promote healthy weight loss. It's all about the show and ratings.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member

    For Ratings!

    IF the people on that show lost weight in a healthy weight, it would take 12+ months to film.. and they weight loss would be a couple pounds a week.

    Anyone can lose 5 pounds a week by starving themselves.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    if it's so unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories why are they promoting it?

    It's not necessarily unhealthy if you get enough protein, vitamins & minerals. And doing it for 14 days isn't the same as doing it an entire TV season. Long-term VLCDs (very low calorie diets) should be medically supervised.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I don't think eating 800 calories for a couple of weeks will cause long term damage, necessarily. But it sure isn't the only way to lose weight. Personally, I'd be unbearable to be around if I had to live on 800 calories a day. And it's like others have said, Bob wants his book to sell. For it to sell, people want dramatic results. A reasonable calorie deficit probably won't give you those dramatic results so, voila. A vlcd for your losing pleasure. It's all about the benjamins
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    if it's so unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories why are they promoting it?

    It's not necessarily unhealthy if you get enough protein, vitamins & minerals. And doing it for 14 days isn't the same as doing it an entire TV season. Long-term VLCDs (very low calorie diets) should be medically supervised.

    Sorry but protein alone won't get you through, you also need carbs and fat to support nutritional needs.

    Protein RDA for women is 46g per day. 4 calories per gram, that's 184 calories
    Fat RDA - this one is mostly stated in percent, not grams. So let's used the minimum # of calorie recommendation and say 20-30% of a 1200 diet would be 240-360 calories. At 9 calories per gram, that's about 26-40 grams per day.
    Carb RDA, minimum of 130grams, 4 calories per gram = 520

    That's a total of at least 944 calories in order to get your RDA macros. 800 calories is too low

    Obviously size, age, body fat, etc factor in but even a woman under 5 feet has a BMR of 1200 calories per day. BMR is the minimum # of calories your body needs to support basic function. Why would you ever eat less and risk health issues just to lose a few pounds? smh

    P.S. I love Bob's workout DVD's but he is a total sell-out
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Sorry but protein alone won't get you through, you also need carbs and fat to support nutritional needs.

    True about having some fat in the diet. Carbs are the least important nutrient, because the body can adapt by shifting to different energy substrates. The RDA doesn't mean we NEED those amounts - they're just recommendations that the masses can realistically stick to, since people enjoy eating carbs.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Sadly, I think it's a case of giving the people what they want - Bob, Jillian, and probably other weight loss/workout "gurus" do have some great DVD programs and informative books out there, but they promote some crap as well.

    I usually down over 800 calories by lunch time and I've done very well losing fat, inches, several sizes, and getting in the best shape I've been in for the past 20 years or so. And I'm going to keep it off - it's a lifestyle change, not a quick fix - eat 800 cals for awhile and yeah, you'll lose weight, but who wants to eat that low forever? :noway:

    I started with Jillian DVDs and did several of Bob's workouts too - they can be tough, and a great workout. I've read some of their books, and I gleaned some good info and tips from them, but I wouldn't follow all of their advice. And it kills me when in the final weeks of Biggest Loser they are so pained and disappointed when a contestant, who has already lost over 100 lbs and is nearly to goal, only loses 7lbs a week. It's ridiculous. And sets most of us up with unrealistic expectations on how much we should be losing per week - I see it on the boards here all the time.

    Ratings and money - a promise of quick results is what sells, and they will push just about anything they can to make that promise and get people to buy what they're selling.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Because no one would buy a book called "Eat Things in Moderation and Move Around'.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    Because no one would buy a book called "Eat Things in Moderation and Move Around'.

    I love this :drinker:
  • RealReady
    I eat 800 calories a day and I eat five times a day - Its very easy to stay satiated all day with 800 calories if you know what to eat. You also will get the proper nutrients as well. I will give you a rough run down on what I eat - breakfast consists of one whole egg and three egg whites with lots of veggies to make and omelet - very filling and black coffee - Lunch - is either cottage cheese or a greek yogurt both with good protein and I also have a pc of fruit usually a banana. then I have a mid day snack which is either a super greens drink or a antioxidant drink if I have the greens drink i have a pc of fruit (orange, grapefruit or apple) if I have the antiox drink I have a both big bowl of raw veggies with it and spray a little dressing on it. DInner consists of a 5 ounce piece of either fish or lean meat and a cup of a green veg and a cup of other veg (any) steamed. Night snack - sf jello with cool whip and if im still hungry I pop some air popped popcorn. I drink 64 ounces of water a day and take a few vitamins. I have read on here a few times that your body goes into starvation mode if you only eat 800 cal. a day - that is not true if you are eating, healthy foods and you are eating five times a day. People think you need to eat bread and such to get carbs - you can get a ton of carbs from fruit and veggies - just healthy carbs thats all. I personally can not lose weight on a higher calorie diet - everyone is different. The same plan is not going to work for everyone. You have to try things out and see what works best for you. I do have a cheat day once a week. I think thats important to continued success :) Good Luck everyone !
  • BluMae
    BluMae Posts: 6 Member
    I was taking a few training courses and my instructor said that a lot of dieting programs (the one she mentioned was that Dr. -something- medicalized weight loss clinics) have strict low calorie diets to follow. the problem is the low calories slow down your metabolism and trap you into eating that way for life. If you wanted to up your calories after eating in a deficit for so long, you would have to go through a period of weight gain in order for your metabolism to even out... if it could... 800 calories a day may not be anorexic, but it`s a recipe for an eating disorder for sure.
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    I think for some people 800 works as long as you don't shock your body a ton when you go off of it, and you will get off of it at some point because, well, it SUCKS! You can probably get enough nutrients and such to be fine but will be low on energy (low fuel=low energy) and lose lean muscle mass with that weight. Also, those people on BL have babysitters around ALL the time which (idk about you but) I'm the only one holding myself accountable, preparing my meals, counting my cals and motivating myself during workouts.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I eat 800 calories a day and I eat five times a day - Its very easy to stay satiated all day with 800 calories if you know what to eat. You also will get the proper nutrients as well. I will give you a rough run down on what I eat - breakfast consists of one whole egg and three egg whites with lots of veggies to make and omelet - very filling and black coffee - Lunch - is either cottage cheese or a greek yogurt both with good protein and I also have a pc of fruit usually a banana. then I have a mid day snack which is either a super greens drink or a antioxidant drink if I have the greens drink i have a pc of fruit (orange, grapefruit or apple) if I have the antiox drink I have a both big bowl of raw veggies with it and spray a little dressing on it. DInner consists of a 5 ounce piece of either fish or lean meat and a cup of a green veg and a cup of other veg (any) steamed. Night snack - sf jello with cool whip and if im still hungry I pop some air popped popcorn. I drink 64 ounces of water a day and take a few vitamins. I have read on here a few times that your body goes into starvation mode if you only eat 800 cal. a day - that is not true if you are eating, healthy foods and you are eating five times a day. People think you need to eat bread and such to get carbs - you can get a ton of carbs from fruit and veggies - just healthy carbs thats all. I personally can not lose weight on a higher calorie diet - everyone is different. The same plan is not going to work for everyone. You have to try things out and see what works best for you. I do have a cheat day once a week. I think thats important to continued success :) Good Luck everyone !

    Joined Oct 2012, 6 pounds lost. Seems legit. -_-
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    So I was reading a Bob Harper book the other day and he said as part of the 14 day jump start you should only eat three small meals totaling 800 calories each day. I also met one of the Biggest Loser constants in August (as you can see by my profile picture) and asked him what it was like and he said they are told to only eat 800 calories a day the whole time they are on the ranch.
    I can't believe this...if it's so unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories why are they promoting it?
    They were morbidly obese. They were also on a supervised VLCD. VLCD's are fine for morbidly obese as long as their nutrient values are being met.
    VLCD's aren't for general population since they won't be supervised and most are just trying to lose a few vanity pounds and not pounds to save their life.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
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