Water Weight or Fat loss?

I'm 5'6 and I've been on a 1200-1300 diet for about 5 weeks. I started at about 137 pounds, and then I got stuck at around 133-134 for 3 or so weeks. This week my weight dropped to 131. I'm wondering if this is just water weight, or if it's fat loss? Is there really any way to know?


  • bethiewilliams
    Unlikely to be fat a) because it was so sudden and b) you are quite low bmi wise about 21-22 to my calculation so fat loss that quick is not possible either IMO. Maybe rather than lose weight too quick concentrate on good exercise and healthy food intake. X
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Normally with me, my weight stalls, and once or twice a month my weight drops a couple of pounds overnight. I've heard people call it the weight "whoosh." It's when your fat cells shrink, and water takes the place of them to their original size, at once point your body "flushes" and that water leaves. I have no idea whether it's true or not, please dont bash on me if i'm wrong, but that's what I've heard. It does happen to me, or at least the weight dropping does.