Falling off the wagon.

I know it's no excuse, but I've been stressed out beyond my limits. I have let that stress get the best of me. I have completely fallen off the wagon. I stopped going to the gym, stopped watching what I was eating. Basically, I reverted back to my old ways. I knew exactly what I was doing, but I didn't care. I got a serious wake up call when I went to my doctor. He told me that since he saw me last (which was in June) I had gained 33 pounds. My jaw hit the floor. I mean I knew I wasn't eating right, but I never expected to gain that much weight back. He took some blood to check my thyroid to see if that is one reason. I am on a mission now. I will not let stress get me down ever again. I will not look to food for comfort. I am so disappointed with myself, but yet a part of me is hoping that it's my thyroid. Please feel free to add me and help encourage me on my weight loss journey.