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  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    I hear this (about clothing manufacturers making sizes bigger), but I wonder...

    Let's say in the 70's and 80's some of the ladies are saying they were a size 6 (I just picked a random size), and they were 120 pounds. But now they are 140 pounds and in a size 6, how could that be?

    I'm wondering about how your body looked back then...where you skinny fat and now you have muscle which makes your body heavier but leaner? I know back in the day it was all about cardio cardio cardio...girls aspired to be "thin" and looking back they were all skinny fat. No muscle at all.

    I remember 20 years ago when I lost 100 pounds. My mom was a size 8 at 125 pounds. We were the same height and I was 148 and fit in her size 8 jeans but I was building muscle while losing fat.

    After being stuck at 170 pounds for 8 weeks and losing 2 jean sizes and 20", I'm wondering if the sizing in clothes is still the same as always but we are all heavier from having more muscle?

    Just a thought...

    Interesting thought. I really do that than average women nowadays who workout have more muscle than let's say women from 70's or 80's but a recent article that made sense to me is that a clothing manufacturer based their sizes on their target audience. Hollister would probably run smaller than express because they are targeted for teens. High designer brands also tend to run smaller (in my experience not really) because their target audience are slender women.