Had a bad day..

lauz45 Posts: 243
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I gave up smoking last night, haven't had one for 24 hours at the moment and really happy about it :) Trouble is, when I finished work I was shaking with hunger, although looking back it was probably anxiety/nicotine withdrawal, and I should have drunk a glass of skim milk or something. Instead I ate the worst food all evening, I went over by calorie allowance by 278 cals, could be worse but still bad, evil chocolate! I got quite irritable with my boyfriend too, but he was smoking!

I think I have an addictive personality in some respects - I can't take or leave things. If I don't eat chocolate I can go for months without it, but once I start, I have to have it every day, sometimes two, three times a day. Smoking was the same really, smoked whenever I could, even though I didn't really enjoy it.

So, with a heavy heart, just as I gave my remaining cigarettes away, my remaining chocolate is going in the bin tonight, toblerone, chocolate orange, lindt truffles and Lindt dark cherry choc begone!

Going to overhaul my diet tomorrow - clean and healthy and nutrient rich food, no processed crap! Wish me luck :)


  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    Stop stop stop! You need something to munch on. Quitting smoking is NO joke. But if it really HAS to be all or nothing, I guess the chocolate should go. I would suggest buying a bunch of fruit and eating that whenever you're hungry-- which will be a lot at first (your body needs to reset), but hold onto the chocolate and treat yourself with a square/single piece every night that you do not smoke.

    And tell your boyfriend to find somewhere else to smoke! Until further notice, you are a smoke-free zone!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Good luck!! Think of your chocolate binge last night as a little reward for quitting smoking and just move on to the next day! :flowerforyou:
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I'm totally with you on this one. I'm the same exact way. I can't eat chocolate or sweets in moderation... it's an all or none kind of thing. I'll do great for a while staying away from the chocolate, ice cream, sweets, etc and then ONE day I'll decide to stop at Dairy Queen on the way home thinking just once... just one small blizzard... it's hot out... I've worked alllll day.... it can't hurt. And one won't hurt! But unfortunatly as soon as I finish that one blizzard I'm craving chocolate, digging through the cupboards, and stopping at DQ again the next day... and the next day... it's not a pretty cycle. I'm hoping someday I'll be able to handle small amounts but until then avoiding them is my only option :(
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good for you on the not smoking! Have you tried the nicotine gum? It helped me. I only chewed it when I really wanted a cigarette so I got the nicotine but not all the other bad stuff.
    I think if you need chocolate you should work it in. I have one of those candy bar minis almost every afternoon. You are are entitled to a 200-calorie snack each day and if you want it to be chocolate, what's wrong with that?
    Being too strict makes it too hard to stick with. Plus, I was reading about how our body/brain can only handle so much self-control (which is a stress) so we can't really quit smoking, diet and eat right all at the same time-nearly impossible. So yeah, stick to the calories but don't worry so much about where those calories come from right now, you're quitting smoking and that is a great thing for your health.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Thanks everyone, i've got some bananas and apples, and a cantaloupe melon, i'll chop them up tomorrow and keep them close to hand. I would keep the really dark choc and have a square a night (its really bitter) but once I get that taste in my mouth, that's it!

    I got some cherry garcia ben & jerry's frozen yoghurt today (bad idea) so i'm going to keep that as a *occasional* treat.

    jsecret - that's exactly how it is for me! I'm going to cut sweeteners out of tea aswell I think, it just makes me want sweet things. At work I don't have sugar or sweeteners so I can do it.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    Consider switching to dark chocolate? Those Dove Silky Smooth Dark Chocolate bars aren't TOO bad for a snack, and I like to eat them with strawberries to get some fresh fruit in too. I'm like you, a chocoholic but I find I feel a lot less guilty after eating dark because it's somewhat better for you.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    Consider switching to dark chocolate? Those Dove Sliky Smooth Dark Chocolate bars aren't TOO bad for a snack, and I like to eat them with strawberries to get some fresh fruit in too. I'm like you, a chocoholic but I find I feel a lot less guilty after eating dark because it's somewhat better for you.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! WAY TO GO on not smoking! Quitting smoking is no doubt the HARDEST thing I've ever ever done. I have been a non smoker now for 9 years :wink: What I found helped me was keeping my hands busy, chewing, and sucking on things (jolly ranchers, carrots, cinnamon tooth picks) . My hubby liked sunflower seeds and Popsicles. Replacing the time with an activity also helps. For instance, we all know that smoking after a meal is awesome, instead I would brush my teeth right away and do the dishes. Another thing is eliminating the habits that go together. IE coffee and a smoke was a big one for me, so I changed the coffee habit. Your BF knows it's hard to quit so he should be more supportive and go smoke else where (and wash his hands when he's done!) . I'd have bitten my DH's head off if he smoked around me when I was quitting. LOL GOOD!! LUCK YOU CAN DO THIS! :flowerforyou:
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Cross posted - thanks asjerven. I read Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking book and that says not to use any nicotine substitues as a rule, i'm trying to kill the nicotine monster once and for all! I was allowing myself one truffle a day for 76 cals, but today just went crazy!

    misspenny762 - justy googled dove chocolate (i'm british) and see it is the same as Galaxy chocolate we have over here. I adore their dark bars, but haven't seen them for ages! I've got some 70% cocoa Lindt chocolate with cherries in it, which is tiny squares, so might see if I can handle one of them a day.

    Dizziferg, thank you! I like the idea of brushing my teeth and doing the dishes after eating, that was favourite time to have a cigarette! I might get some sugar free lollies too.
    Forgot to say, well done for quitting for so long! Before this relapse last december I had gone 7 years without smoking, how stupid to start again.

    Next week i'm hiking and camping for 5 days with my colleagues (who also happen to be great friends, and includes my boyfriend!) and there's 7 of us in a group, and i'm the only one who doesn't smoke now. I'll just focus on how much better my lungs feel during those 20km hikes every day :smile:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Plus, don't worry too much about going over about 300 cals in one day sometimes. If you are on a 500 or more deficit, you still lost weight today! :)
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Thanks :) I have had a good day food-wise today, but I am so stressed! I'm feeling really teasy and down in the dumps, i'm off to make myself a cup of tea, don't know how else to cheer myself up!

    I went up and down a customer's staircase about 15 times today though, so that's got to be good!
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