

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Breakfast- eggs or portidge
  • Just_Maddy
    Just_Maddy Posts: 94 Member
    Hey :) I reviewed your food dairy and I would suggest going for a proper whole and fresh food breakfast, real food is the way to go, it will definetly make a massive difference on how you feel and you are more likely to feel better the rest of the day. Please don't beat yourself over just ONE cookie and some alchy. The whole point is that you continue eating and working out even if you have those small treats once in a while.

    so what would you suggest then, as with most young people on here cost can be an issue depending on how the month is going haha

    :) This is just a personal preference and a suggestion, but The Mayo Clinic recommends planning your meals around your fruits and vegs and NOT the other way around. For someone with your calorie intake you should be consuming 5 or more servings of fruits and vegs, Don't freak out and think you will never be able to eat that much for example one small tomato is 1 serving of vegs, think about it's not really that much and it counts towards your vegs intake :)

    As to what you can eat for breakfast based on personal experience I feel great when my breakfast is made of: Vegs, Fruit, Carbs, Protein and Fat :) Yes fat! It's easier to plan your breakfast that way than sticking to the same food over and over, and you can plan around your budget, even when things are not going well during the month lol
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Yesterday was my birthday. I had Red Robin for lunch, pizza for dinner, and lots and lots of booze. A cookie and some whiskey isn't anything to worry about if it's only one day. I had my one day too. Today is a new day and you just get back to it. One day won't ruin anything, Heck, I still lost half a lb despite how terrible I was all week. :) Don't be mad, just make sure you get back on track today. I hope you had fun going out!
  • Just_Maddy
    Just_Maddy Posts: 94 Member
    Yesterday was my birthday. I had Red Robin for lunch, pizza for dinner, and lots and lots of booze. A cookie and some whiskey isn't anything to worry about if it's only one day. I had my one day too. Today is a new day and you just get back to it. One day won't ruin anything, Heck, I still lost half a lb despite how terrible I was all week. :) Don't be mad, just make sure you get back on track today. I hope you had fun going out!

    Ouhhh lawd I miss eating at Red Robin lol Couldn't agree more, we are allowed our naughty days :)
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    Eating a cookie and drinking some whiskey sounds like a winning day to me.
    However, if this seriously bothers you, you can give both to me and I will handle them for you.
