started carb cycling, any tips? or tricks?

I was at a standstill in my weight loss for about 25 days, gaining and losing the same 3-8 pounds. I was told to "reset" my metabolism and eat freely for a few days then start cycling. I also changed my workouts from twice a day m-f to once a day and I do circut training followed by 30min cardio on carb days and just cardio on protein days. I find that I'm tired on protein days and really don't want to finish my hour of cardio, but I do. Also no body really told me how much carbs/protein I should have on these days. As you can see I am staying around 1300 calories a day give or take. I am using the up wristband activity tracker. Cycling tips are welcome. Circuit training tips are welcome. In my diary you will see the "reset" was last weekend. I think I can keep this up, not so bad and I broke through this stagnant period and lost 2.8 pounds since last sunday.