Extreme Couponing



  • sexygrandma5
    sexygrandma5 Posts: 7 Member
    When printing coupons from online sites , you can usually print 2 from each computer in your home.

    Which is one of the tricks used to abuse coupons and clearly against the intent of the manufacturer.
  • sexygrandma5
    sexygrandma5 Posts: 7 Member
    I do not feel I'm abusing anything if I print 4 coupons for a item and then buy 4 of said item. The manufacturer does not lose. Each online coupon has its own unique number so you are not printing several of the exact coupon.
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    I do not feel I'm abusing anything if I print 4 coupons for a item and then buy 4 of said item. The manufacturer does not lose. Each online coupon has its own unique number so you are not printing several of the exact coupon.

    You might not feel that way, but you are abusing the system. The manufacturer limits the amount of those uniquely numbered coupons to prevent an unlimited amount of their products from selling at an undesirable price. Their intention is to get as many households to try their products as possible. By you using multiple printers to abuse the system, you are buying more items the undesirable price than the manufacturer had intended. Just because there is a "get around" to the system in place, doesn't mean what you are doing is right.
  • mustanggal8740
    mustanggal8740 Posts: 4 Member
    The way I look at it...if its keeping you off government money...which some of that comes out of my pay...who cares?

    I coupon and I have a stock pile. While I was unemployed and my hubby was juggling two jobs...it kept us from needing assistance. We also got more for our money. I find it dumb to spend full price on something I could get for half. I refuse to pay for colgate toothpaste/brushes...coupons and sales make them free. I am not extreme having 100 of stuff but i do have enough stuff to last my family a few months if one of us lost a job. Granted I have slacked since I got a full time job...but I would like to get back into it and use the extra money I save for paying off car loans.

    One thing I did with couponing was I would buy a lot of free tampons, crest , degree deodernt, ect and I would donate it to our local abused womens shelters. It helped them so much and it didnt cost me a lot. I try doing it every year.
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    Mustang, the manufacturer cares.

    I applaud you for your efforts to stay off of govt. assistance. If I were to get laid off, I would probably put more time into couponing as well. I am definitely not trying to place myself on some moral high ground. I learned a lot of coupon tricks from various Internet forums. I used the ones I was comfortable with and avoided the ones that I wasn't. No one familiar with using coupons would have considered me extreme. Regardless, I did abuse the system for awhile. It wasn't my intention when I got started, but it is easy to get sucked into when you see the "deals" that others were doing. However, at no time did I try to make any excuses to try to justify what I was doing.

    That is the issue I have with some of the posts here. If you (anyone) are not following the rules that the manufacturer and stores have in place, then just own it.

    Ps. I got my free Colgate at Rite Aid this week, along with a lot of other freebies
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    The way I look at it...if its keeping you off government money...which some of that comes out of my pay...who cares?

    I coupon and I have a stock pile. While I was unemployed and my hubby was juggling two jobs...it kept us from needing assistance. We also got more for our money. I find it dumb to spend full price on something I could get for half. I refuse to pay for colgate toothpaste/brushes...coupons and sales make them free. I am not extreme having 100 of stuff but i do have enough stuff to last my family a few months if one of us lost a job. Granted I have slacked since I got a full time job...but I would like to get back into it and use the extra money I save for paying off car loans.

    One thing I did with couponing was I would buy a lot of free tampons, crest , degree deodernt, ect and I would donate it to our local abused womens shelters. It helped them so much and it didnt cost me a lot. I try doing it every year.

    Ahh you! You are who I have been looking for!! Let me ask you, is it cheaper to buy things with coupons than it is to just buy the store brand (where applicable)? I see you get womens products for free, but on food items, would you just buy store brand, or is it less than the store brand with your coupons?