Frustrated by having to slow down for injury :P

For nearly four months, I've been logging everything I eat, and working out 3x/week at the YMCA. I started a BodyCombat class, ans was just starting to introduce some resistance and weight training in addition to my hour long cardio routine. I saw the scale dip below 130 for the first time in almost five years.

Then on Monday, I was putting some groceries in my car, and bam! It suddenly hurt to walk, and I couldn't bend over more than twenty degrees or so without pain. I went to my chiropractor (who I've been with for over four years, doing monthly maintenance only with for a neck problem in 2009), and he said I have a bulging disc between my L4 and L5 vertebra. After three treatments, and lots of ice and Advil, I do feel a bit better. I don't get stabbing pains when I walk, and I can bend over to pick things up it they're very light. He recommended that I start back at the gym very slowly, with only low impact cardio, and no weight training that requires bending or twisting at the waist.

I just went to the Y for the first time since this happened, and I could only manage 15 minutes on the elliptical before pain set in. I switched to a recumbent bike, which worked for another 15 minutes. Then I did all of the circuit training weight machines with the exceptions of the row and abs. I know I need to ease back in and listen to my body to prevent further injury, but it's so frustrating. I miss the high intensity cardio, and it's hard to feel really accomplished or that I burned enough calories compared to what I'm used to.

Anyone else have to cut back at the gym due to injury? I have no idea how long it's going to take me to get back to 100%, and patience isn't exactly my strong suit.