How do Deficits effect Leptin?

Hey from Jan 2013-Jun 2013 i did the 6 small meals diet where you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with a small snack or meal between breakfast and lunch and one between lunch and dinner, averaging a meal every 3 hours. So when i came off the diet, for the first week i had an insane appetite and it lowered after the first week but i ended up putting back the weight, guess because i completely forgot about my body and i just stopped caring about looking slim. So in september i started intermittent fasting, lost weight way faster that way, and heared about the whole leptin thing, so i ate regularly for a couple days and my appetite surged again, so i went back to dieting before any weight gain occured. So i tired a refeed day with carbs a bit over maintenance (like 100cals) a couple days ago and was slimmer than pre-refeed weight after a couple days so i decided to eat normally with mixed clean and processed foods......... after just having breakfast my appetite went up again. So im just going to keep doing Intermittent Fasting, the 20/4 which i usually do, since i have just 5,6lbs left to go, with a weekly refeed day that is is bit over maintainenece then when ive lost it im going to see how i can get my leptin or what ever is wrong, back in check. So do you guys reccomend a one week complete refeed thats at maintainence or a bit over after ive lost the weight or should i do the Leptin Reset diet? Also if anyone knows, is the caloric restriction what made me leptin resistant or whatever, i really dont know the problem.


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You have five or six pounds left to lose?

    Set up your goals in MFP to lose .5 pounds a week, eat within that calorie deficit, and if you exercise eat your exercise calories back. Eat however meals a day you want to-three meals, six meals, five meals, eight meals, whatever. Just eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight.

    I recommend that you stop all diets and just eat within a small calorie deficit to lose those last few pounds. The slower the better.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Forget the experiments, the obsession with leptin and just eat at your budget, probably no more than .5 lb per week deficit. You're making this way more complicated than it has to be.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    IF is not a diet, it's a eating schedule.