5K run

I'm considering a 5K run next year, I'm not sure I can run across the street if someone was chasing me and I'm "overweight" (5'1" 145 lbs). I have til October 2014 to prepare. I have NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING!!! Any suggestions, tip, references???



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member

    From a dead standstill, it'll only take 8-12 weeks.
  • averylopez
    averylopez Posts: 28 Member
    Have you heard of the app Couch to 5K? It's fantastic and free!! It starts you off with baby steps of warm up, walk/run intervals and then a cool down! I have recommended it to friends before and they love it!! It will get you ready for a 5k in no time. They also have couch to 10K etc.........Good luck!!
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    C25K and Zombies, Run has a C25K version that has a pretty sweet story line (if you don't mind paying a little). Definitely recommend it!
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Plenty of time, do the couch to 5k as suggested. Take 2 weeks on one day if you need, you have the time to do it right.
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    I did couch to 5k in 9 weeks, the paid app for my android phone was only $1.99. I'm a smoker and the only time I'd ever run before that was if I was chasing the ice cream truck. If I can do it, you can do it! Good luck!
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    I highly recommend C25K. I'm a pretty large person and was intimadated but needed a challenge. I used it to train for the Detroit Free Press 5k. I gave myself plenty of time, 16 weeks and I was able to do it. I wasn't the fastest nor the slowest, finished middle of the pack and that was perfect.

    The key is to keep doing the days over until you can complete them. Don't worry about how many weeks it takes, start early and keep at it.

    You can do it, I know you can! :flowerforyou:

    Slainte! :drinker:
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I finished C25K this summer. Back then I was 169 lbs (5'1 as well). I got the free app for the iphone. It is a great program. As you look at the weeks ahead you will think you there is no way you can do it. Especially the last day of Week 5. However, it works and I finished in eight weeks.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Another vote for c25k. It made a runner out of me - nearly two years later I'm still running strong and enjoying it. :smile:

    I used the c25kFREE app by Zen Labs - worked great.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I like the c25k that everyone's mentioning. But I have a suggestion. To it twice. The first time around, take it slow, don't try to outright run, just jog (And with proper form) Build up to being able to do more than walk for 20/30 minutes. Then do it again and work on going faster and running.

    I haven't gotten all the way through yet, and I'm actually planning the same thing you are! There's a zombie run in October here, and I want in! But you gotta listen to your body, if something hurts, stop. Take a break if you need it. And I mean hurts, not a little discomfort that goes away when you've cooled off. That's actually what you're aiming for. But if it hurts, especially for more than an hour or two after your run, take a step back and see hat's up. If you're doing too much or have bad form or whatever.

    Good luck! C: