Finally figured out how to post something!

Anyways, that's besides the point. I'm somewhat new to MFP and the whole get fit train. I officially started my program on October 1st. I dedicated myself to the gym daily for a year! It's something that I've always wanted to do and I have finally started. When I first started I could only do 30 mins of cardio and I was exhausted. I kept at it and every week I added 5 mins. I've maxed out at 65 mins a day of cardio and minimal strength training. I've lost just about 30 pounds in 6 weeks. I know it's pretty rapid but I figure it's because of my poor diet before hand and the amount of time I spend in the gym that the weight is sort of falling off (: I'm looking for any type of friend or support system! Let's do it together! I'm a pretty great motivator so we can always swap ideas or just share our struggles. I'm also looking for some nice and healthy recipes! At my heaviest I was 297.6 and now I'm 268.2 (as of yesterday). My goal is to be ~150 so I have a long way to go. Share your strong, add me or just say hello!