Has Anyone Ever Completed a Fast before?

Has anyone ever went on a fast? Even for religious reasons? If so, how long did you do the fast for, what kind of fast did you do, and what were the results?


  • I fast every single day.
    20 hour fast with a 4 hour eating window. It's called intermittent fasting, Youtube it!
  • Hey! I went on a fast for religious purposes a couple of years ago. It was a 40 day fast with no meat, dairy, processed foods, preservatives of any kind, sweetners (to include honey, agave, etc.), or leavened bread. The only thing I drank during the fast was bottled water. Amount of food wasn't restricted, just types of food. I didn't weigh myself during the fast because it wasn't about weight loss, but I do know that I went down 2 clothing sizes.