
I'm new here and pretty confused over this calorie business. I ate all 3 meals today and 2 snacks. I'm full right now & can't imagine eating anything else. However, my calorie counter says I am 640 calories UNDER! I worked out today & burned 280 calories so that accounts for some of those extra cals, but wow.. 640?! A warning came up & said I'm putting my body into starvation mode! I try to eat healthy and stop eating once I am full & now this thing is telling me to keep on eating? I'm so lost!

I had a yogurt for breakfast, a tuna sandwich for lunch, roast beef & carrots for dinner, & a healthy applesauce & tsp of peanut butter for a snack. what am i doing wrong?!

*i logged every single thing i ate (mayo with the tuna, gravy with the roast beef, etc)


  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    It's an adjustment to eat healthy foods and still get enough calories, at least it was for me. Try adding some high calories snacks that aren't super filling. Nuts are a great one, the calories add up fast but they're full of good fats. Try adding a banana at breakfast, they can pack a clorie punch as well. Avocado, olive oil, milk are some more ideas. Hang in there, you'll get it figured out soon!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    You could open up your diet diary to let us take a look. Simple ways to add healthy calories that lower bad cholesteral is Raw nuts & seeds or butters made from raw nuts and seeds. Avocado is fantastic for a healthy diet. Or make a sunday with fresh fruit on the bottom, cover with greek yogurt and top with a healthy granola. You don't have to use up all your exercise calories but if you have your mfp set to lose two pounds a week you already have 1000 calories taken off your total, so don't leave to big a gap. I had to start eating more in the morning to get my calories in, they are the safest calories to take in anyways. Good Start, and everyone asks a version of that question.
  • amstein18
    amstein18 Posts: 131
    thank you both! i'll try adding some nuts to my diet & eat a little more at breakfast
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    i try to do oatmeal made with skim milk and add dried fruit (not my favorite things). It is high in fiber and whole grains and dried fruit packs a punch. You can also keep trail mix to snack on (dried fruits, nuts, sometimes small chocolate bites :happy: ).
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    if it's only today, you'll be fine. Some days you may not be as hungry, but tomorrow you may eat all your calories. As long as you don't eat too low of caolories every day...just keep track - it really helps.
  • amstein18
    amstein18 Posts: 131
    i'm normally around 300 calories under. but that's because i burn 280+ exercising. is that okay?