OMG moments.....

this is mine from today:

I weigh (as of today) the same as I weigh when I was 17 in Japan. I know this because we had our annual health check and made a big deal out of me being 77kg (about 20kg heavier than the rest of the girls, but they were all teeny Japanese girls and I was a tall, well built foreigner haha)

Never ever thought I'd get back here!


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    oh my god... i'm so sorry... but i read your post and thought this to myself...

  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    oh my god... i'm so sorry... but i read your post and thought this to myself...


    after 5 trips and a cumulative total of well over two years I'm well used to that. I'm only 5 foot 8.5 (174 cm) and I'm *giant* there. Imagine how my brother, who is 4 inches (10cm) taller than me and about 25 kg heavier got on!

    Japanese people calling me big isn't an insult, it's a comparison, and I'd much rather be tall with boobs and muscles than short and scrawny enough to 'fit in' there :P