My first marathon

So I have been running for about 15 months. I have gone from 1/2 mile at a time, to running 13.1 straight. My pace has gone from 12mm to 8:30 for my most recent 5k! I have had many many victories, and challenges. I am so glad I have found this sport. With that being said my father and I have been researching spring marathons for next year and I believe we have settled on one. The idea is freaking me out a little, even though it's a full 6 months away! But I could use some encouragement from you all because it looks like I will be running the Lake Placid Marathon in June!


  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Awesome job! Good luck with your training! You can do this. I'm in awe of those that can run the full 26.2. I'm hoping to do a half by next fall.
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    Awesome achievement! Husband thinks I am ready for a full next fall. I did 4 half marathons this year starting in May.
  • today was my first ever 5k run walk, was the last to finish with some friends but so what I did it!!!!
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    There are many different training plans that you can get online to follow. They usually start out 4 months before the marathon. You can do this. Good luck. Don't forget to enjoy the journey to get there.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Good luck and congrats! My best advice is to find a plan and stick to it (and make sure you are in good shoes). A good beginner marathon plan should be about 18 weeks (assuming a base of about 25 miles/week going in). Don't try to eat at too much of a deficit during training. Treat your long runs as race prep. Learn what you like to eat and drink on your training runs. You will get freaked out by the prospect of a 20 mile run. Its not so bad. You can do it.
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    Good luck, that is super exciting! If you can run 13, then I'm sure you'll be ready for the full marathon in June. I am doing my first half marathon in May, and just started training last week.
  • That's awesome! With a good training plan and patience you'll do great. Remember, the marathon is about 60% mental anyway (I've done 8 so far). For your first marathon try to find an "easy" (like a 4-day-a-week) plan rather than one of those that has you running 6 days a week for 40 miles. You really don't need all that mileage and you'll end up burned out or injured. Don't start any long runs too fast - that's a big key. Good luck!
  • Happylady123
    Happylady123 Posts: 166 Member
    That sounds awesome! How neat to do it with your dad! I am sure you will do wonderfully! Just don't overtrain like me!
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have completed 2 halfs these year, I would probably run more if races were not so expensive! But I will start slowly increase weekly mileage before an official training plan starts! My father wants to run a marathon before his 50th birthday, he turns 49 in January, and I figured I better run mine before the hubby and I decide to start a family!