Critique my strength building plan!

Hey guys,
I'm just finishing up my years worth of personal training and so I am getting together a workout plan I can follow on my own.
My warm up consists of 15 minutes on the rowing machine and cool down is 15 on a bike. The plan is Legs on Monday, 15 minutes on a bike on Tuesday and Yoga, Chest ect on Wednesday, Thursday is HITT(which I'm sorting out still), Friday is Biceps ect, Saturday is a 5k run and Sunday is rest.
My goal is to gain more muscle and drop body fat percentage.

Squats 5 X 12
Weighted walking lunges 5 x 12
Standing leg curl 5 x 12
Dumb bell dead lift 5 x 12
Leg extension 5 x 12
Exercise ball hamstring extension 5 x 12
Kettle bell hamstring 5 x 12

Chest, Back and Shoulders
Kettle bell shoulder warm ups
Farmers walk w/ kettle bell
Dumb bell chest press 5 x 12
Wide grip pulls 5 x 12
Kettle bell chest swings 5 x 12
Narrow grip pulls 5 x 12
Lat pull down 5 x 12
High plank 1 minute
Side plank 30 seconds each side ]

Biceps, Triceps and Abs
Dumb bell curl 5 x 12
Dumb bell skull Crushers 5 x 12
Dumb bell hammer curls 5 x 12
Bench dips 5 x 12
Bicycle crunches
Weighted oblique twist
Kettlebell windmill
Low plank 1 minute


  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Anyone? :(
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    if youre only doing three days a week of lifting i would just do SS 5x5

    5 sets of 5reps

    barbell squat
    barbell bench
    barbell dead

    barbell squat
    barbell military press
    Barbell row

    barbell squat
    barbell bench
    barbell dead
  • Strength is low volume, high weight, you've got over 30 sets on those days. Like AnabolicKyle said, 5x5 is good, even 6 sets of 2 reps or even 1 rep, and the split he gave is good as well. Focus on the big compound lifts
    - bench press
    - squat
    - deadlift
    - lunge
    - barbell row
    I'd personally recommend doing back on Monday, legs on Wednesday, then chest on Friday. This way your legs are less likely to be sore for your Saturday runs.

    Hope this helps
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Thanks for the feedback guys! Barbells and I don't quite get along due to shoulder issues so I tend to steer clear of them. I'll go back to the drawing board and talk to the trainer as well, see what he has to say.
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    If you have shoulder issues you should be incorporating specific rotator cuff exercises into your workouts, once a week, to strengthen shoulder stability and improve flexibility. A 10 minute rotator cuff add-on to leg day would fit nicely.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    also i would like to add if youre only lifting three days a week i would suggest full body on MWF.

    48 hrs should be plenty of time to recover.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    I'm not going to peddle SS or SL like most people do. I am going to say that you have way too many damn reps in each workout though. Having some exercises in more of a hypertrophy rep range is good, but you need some in the lower rep range too (3-6 per set). Also, 5 sets each is a bit much. I would change the split slightly since you have a ton of leg exercises, then seem to jam all the other big body parts in one day, then do arms. This is just how I would do a 3 day split like this (also with trying to stick in 12 rep sets since you seem to want those):

    Legs and Chest
    Squats 3x5
    Dumbbell Bench Press 3x5
    Walking Lunges 3x12
    Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3x12
    Weighted Glute Bridges 3x12
    Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3x12
    Dumbbell Chest Flyes 3x12

    Back and Shoulders
    Deadlifts or Rack Pulls 1-3x5 (with warmup sets)
    Dumbbell Overhead Press 3x5
    Weighted Chinups 3x12 (or Lat Pulldowns if you can't do weighted Chins)
    Dumbbell Rows 3x12
    Dumbbell Front Lateral Raises 3x12
    Rear Delt Flyes 3x12
    Farmer's Walks 3-4 x 30 yards

    Arms and Abs
    Lying Tricep Extensions (dumbbells or ez-curl bar) 3x5
    Standing Dumbbell Curls 3x12
    Tricep-Targeted Dips (bench or parallel bars) 3x12
    Hammer Curls 3x12
    Cable Crunches 3x8
    "Oblique Twist" 3x8
    Plank 3xfailure
    Side Plank3xfailure

    EDIT: Just read that you have issues with barbell exercises, so I changed that. Though I'm sure Deadlifts won't affect your shoulder and there's really no way to do Dumbbell Deadlifts that same way as with a barbell.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    If you have shoulder issues you should be incorporating specific rotator cuff exercises into your workouts, once a week, to strengthen shoulder stability and improve flexibility. A 10 minute rotator cuff add-on to leg day would fit nicely.

    Thanks! The kettle bell shoulder warm ups, along with farmers walk and kettle bell triangle are exercises for the rotator cuffs. Both my shoulders are prone to dislocating and are super weak so the stability is where my issue lies. I refuse to get a damn surgery on both of them this young lol
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Some people don't gain with 5x5, say if your an ectomorph.

    I think your plan is right, 8-15 reps is a mass building range of reps, but its a lot of sets your doing, i'd probably reduce them to 3 sets!

    You could try either yours or 5 x5 in my opinion.

    I say all this because i watched a video today on the exact topic. Please see below :)
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Holy volume batman

    Generally strength programs have less volume with heavier loads. This is more of a hypertrophy based training plan.