Running: One long run or Multiple short runs per session

Hi there again

I have a bad knee (ACL issues) so running for me is abit of a good and fearful thing. Recently I hurt my pir muscle in my bum, so biking is out for abit. Now, I can run 30 minutes and more at 8km/h with intervals of 10km/h. Afterwards my knee and hip does hurt abit.

So I was wondering, if I were to do like 3x10 min running spurts per gym session, with weights, would it give me the same benefits as if I was doing one off 30 minutes?

I heard about a 3:2:1 plan, so I would do 10:10:10 minutes on Mon, then next time 10:20 minutes on Wednesday, then 30 minutes on Friday.

Has anyone ever tried this? This is to try and lose weight and fat. I always do weights too.


  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Given that you had a bad knee injury, it is best to do what you are comfortable with and what a doctor says you are able to do. It is always best to trust your gut when it comes to injury recovery.

    One 30 minute exercise probably requires more work out of your heart than 3x10 minute exercises. If you can find a way to keep your heartbeat up between the 3x10 sessions, though, I don't see anything wrong with it. As long as your hard is pumping and you are comfortable with what you are doing, I say go for it.
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Well, after trying this out, I decided that its not a good idea for me. Its not a knee issue, its an issue of that, once I had done my first run, the thought of doing my second made me feel more discouraged. So I shall go back to doing my 15 or so minute runs at the end of my routine. Thanks for the advice!
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I tend to get shin splints a lot or hip and back pain when I run. However I started running intervals or 1min then walk for 1min repetitively for anywhere from 20-40 minutes. I have found less pain, my speed has increased, and my body feels great running now
  • keef1972
    keef1972 Posts: 411 Member
    I prefer 1 long run. I tried running twice a day, but Mr Shin Splints started to kick in about 3 weeks later.
    Perhaps it's just my "old age"...? LOL. Do what "works" for you would be my best advice.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm definitely not a running expert, but for a person with lower body injuries doing several running bursts sounds like a warm up and cool down nightmare. I'd rather perform one proper run of whatever duration I think I can get away with and be done with it.