Any other chatty UK 'Losers'? :)

Hi all!

This is my second time on MFP after I fell off the wagon first time around, earlier this year...
But I'm back with a vengeance, a goal and a plan this time - it's my stunning little sister's wedding next Summer and although I'd in no way want to outshine the bride (lol!), I want to be happy with photographs, wearing a dress size that's more proportional to my height and one hell of a lot fitter.

I'm 5'2", 30 years young and 173lbs (just under 12 and a half stone) - currently wearing a UK size 16.
Not too fussed about how much weight I lose, so long as I can get to a healthier and fitter size 10/12.
I'm now going to the gym every weekday morning before work and thanks to MFP friends, looking to start hula hooping soon as well(!)

It seems lots of my friends from when I first joined are no longer around, so looking for ACTIVE new friends with similar goals.
UK-based preferred due to slightly more similar food types, but will chat to anyone international as well. I check in daily and love to get chatty in the News Feed.

Friend me? - and please do send a message with your request


  • KaraAlicia89
    Hello!!! :D

    I am Kara, 24 years old and a mother of three from Bedfordshire. I'm also on my second round of MFP after having my two youngest very close together and have found all my buddies have packed up and left :(

    I'm 5'2 currently 14st 13lbs and wearing a size 18 bottom and 20 top. Im looking to slim down for my own wedding in June/July 2015 and get down to between 9st 7lbs and 8st. Found THE dress and will not allow a compromise :)

    I'm not quite gym ready as I have to wait till drs cleared me as only had my latest addition on Halloween but i'm always out walking with the buggy and baby carrier and lost 16lbs at present. Hoping to be on daily to keep on track so fellow day tracker buddies would be awesome :D

    Hope you don't mind the add :D

  • NovaStar82
    Thanks for friending :)
    (Quite glad to say that) I don't have kids - does loads of animals count? :)