Fell off the wagon

Hey all,

I haven't been active here for quite some time. I fell off the wagon and gained 20lbs. Im so disappointed in myself. I dont understand how I can make everything else a priority including going to school part time and working full time.... and not this!

Anyone have any tips on making yourself, working out and eating right a priority?

Ive lost my 100lbs lost badge. :sad:


  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    You have to accept the fact that you gained 20 lbs. Now accept the fact that you are going to have to work hard to lose it again. It won't be easy, it won't happen quickly. You need to think of your health. A healthy body will perform better in work and in school. Your mind will be clearer and you will be able to concentrate on other things in life besides your weight. Work and school are a priority, but you have 24 hours in a day. Find time and do what has to be done to get yourself back to where you want to be. Motivation needs to come from within, you need to have the drive to be great.
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    Dust yourself off. It happens.

    You've had success before. You know you are capable of it. You already have the tools you need. All that is required is a bit of dedication and sacrifice.

    No more dwelling on the past, and on failures or slip ups. Regain control of your actions.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    First off....You only gained 20lbs. That is not a tragedy. You've lost it before - you can lose it again. You have to remind yourself daily....even multiple times in the day WHY you want to lose the weight and why you're on MFP.

    Second..... You got this!! You are strong and you will succeed. I know I need to schedule my workouts. For me first thing in the morning works best for me so its done and out of the way. It also helps my over all attitude toward the day! I hate mornings when I don't workout.
    Schedule your workout like anything else in your life. Ex. 8-9:30a will be for workout. make it happen. "The hardest part of any workout is putting on your shoes" That quote says it all. Get those shoes on....once they're on - no place to go but to sweat!

    As for eating.... try to prelog your diary and stick to it. I know it helps me tremendously stay on track.

    Good luck!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    PLAN AHEAD! Food is the biggest issue, so make and portion your breakfasts, lunches, even dinners ahead of time. Fit in at least a walk during the day, if not 30 minutes to an hour of activity, at least 3-5 times a week. Cut out the sodas and the treats or limit them. Be patient.

    But enjoy Thanksgiving to the fullest ;)
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Do you have a picture of your before and after? Carry it with you. Look at it often, and remember how good you feel and look compared to before. Everyone's motivation is different though, so find what works for you. Maybe there's a shirt or a pair of jeans you can't fit into right now, perhaps having it out in plain site and trying it on once a week would help keep you working hard.

    I know it's stressful working and going to school. I would definitely pre-plan your meals, and carry non-refrigerated snacks with you so you're not stopping by the cafe or vending machine. Make ahead some cut up veggies and hummus, peanut butter and crackers, or a piece of fruit to eat on the run. Make sure you drink plenty of water too.

    If you pre-plan your day in your food diary early in the day, just keep track of anything outside it and add it in at the end of the day.

    I would suggest making the biggest part of your meals ahead of time too, or keeping something on hand, like canned tuna or chicken, to throw together a quick meal. If you don't own one, get a good sized crock pot. I throw several chicken breasts or a chuck roast in mine on a Sunday, and plan my meals around using it up during the week.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    It sounds like your life is busy. If you eat a lot of food that you take on the go like snacks and meals you might be wise to spend a few hours mapping out food places that are close to your usual haunts and looking up the cals at those places and finding options that fit your cal goals. Then make times to move by fitting workouts in close to places you already are like walking after work or school when your looks no longer matter and you can head home for a shower. Stretchng burns some cals too and can fit into before or after any downtime from those endeavors. finally fit your workouts in by finding pockets of time 3 or even 2 times a week and then just extending the workout. For instance when you think of the drive time and prep time gearing up for a workout, it might make more sense for you only workout twice a week and just make them longer workouts to equal the cal burn of a 3 times a week workout. You will save one days' worth of time of gearing up, driving to and from, and primping afterwards for the next activity like work/or school. Things to think about as y ou get back on track. :flowerforyou: Good luck.

    (also i'd take the time to journal a little to find what you ate habitually during your gain that might have contributed. just to find ways to add it in now sparingly so the next time you fly solo, you can get a gauge on how much you can afford to have regularly without it throwing you totally off."