weight watchers

lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am thinknig about going bac k to Weight watchers AGAIN ( for the 8th? time?). I'm just losing hope. I know that this site can work, but I am still lacking so much motivation. Maybe if I am in a group setting, it would help. Of course, I would have to go to the meetings every week. But, it's 40 a month for basically the same thing as this! So what should I do? I'm confused.


  • michellemae24
    michellemae24 Posts: 20 Member
    I know how you feel. I have done Weight Watchers 6 times and always hope for a better result. I don't like going to the meetings as I don't feel like I get the support I need. I feel like a fly on the wall. I like their program and it's easy to follow, but I just haven't ever made it past the 7th week...
    I am really enjoying being part of the groups on here. It's like our own little world.
    Best of luck to you!
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    What's hanging you up?:noway: Is it that you need the social part? Girl...there is so much out there! First of all, why go to WW (I did...) and pay for what you get here AND MORE! :happy: And you have constant interaction...if you want it. (you can add me as a friend :flowerforyou: )

    What I am saying is..I did WW and nothing changed, yes...it is a GREAT program. but you do you want to count points all yoru life, or HAVE a life? I want to make my choices and get used to the portions that are normal. This site also is more focused on fitness...and if you need to get social action there and most places cost nothing :drinker:


    anyway...do what works for you, but we are here if you need us!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks ladies! I guess I feel like I'm doing it alone. Don't get me wrong, everyone here is great...about as great as you can be online. I think the human to human contact would help me alot...that's really the ONLY reason why I wouls go to WW instead of this. I wish I had a workout partner...Im POSITIVE that would help me tons. I havent had a partner in years :ohwell:

    Anyone wanna come to DC to work out? LOL :laugh:

    My boyfriend is supportive, but it's different. He doesnt eat emotionaly like I do, he won't workout on the weekends really. He only gained about 10 lbs since we have lived together...I gained almost 30!! I'm in a really scary, sad place right now.
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    Hey don't feel bad... do what works best for you and it's all different for everyone... Needing face to face support is nothing to be ashamed of. I did Herbal Magic for that same exact reason.

    So follow what is right for you... and if it means that you pay more, maybe it's what you need. I can tell you that it was for me.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    I was on WW four times in the past 10 years.
    I compared my calories with the points calculator and figured out that I am pretty much right on as far as how I used to be on WW.
    This site is free and easy to navigate.
    Search the message boards here, I am sure you will find a group to fit in and lots of support.
    Going to meetings is time consuming and the message boards on WW have way too much drama :noway:
    I am staying right here :drinker:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Im thinknig...maybe I will just join a new gym instead of WW.

    I go to planet fitness...and they dont have classes there. My membership is almost up. Golds gym is pretty cheap too, and they have classes. I was never a class person...but I need a big change...something to be excited about...and maybe meet some people.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Yeah, I was going to say that getting some change in your gym could be good. For me, the girl who works at the check in desk is a great encourager and accountability factor. I know she notices how often I come in, and she is always saying cheerful things that make me feel like pushing myself a little harder. My family can only be so supportive (well, my brother is really supportive, but he lives in a different city) so it's great to have a real live person at the place I work out who is there to keep me in check and upbeat.
  • Sometimes you have to be true to yourself and decide what it really is that you want. It's not the $40.00 @month because I can't believe you don't think you are worth $1.33 a day! It sounds like you are defeated before you even started. My neice and I decided to do the WW together. I promised her (for motivation) to pay for a cruise to anywhere she wanted when she lost 50pounds. My motivation? (was seeing her lose the weight) She has gone to WW and needs the group setting, but more important she now believes this is possible... By the way... She has joined WW many times before also and me? Well I have joined EVERY SINGLE weight loss avenue there is and more than five times.... for each one... My friend just told me about this sight I think it great to work with any other weight loss plans because it KEEPS TRACK OF WHAT GOES INTO THAT PRETTY MOUTH!!! I am on a WW version (I count the points) but I also merged Adkins into it also to watch my carbs... a big enemy of mine... It's working!! Im down from 232 to 210! and my neice just celebrated 40 pound weight loss! (I guess Im taking her on that cruise!)

    YOU ARE WORTH IT !!! along with every other person who wants to improve your life...whatever it is...
    Good Luck... and I hope others will give me more motivation and support as well...
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Sometimes you have to be true to yourself and decide what it really is that you want.

    Good point! I guess that's what I am trying to figure out...I know that I love to work out, and it has never failed me. The main reason I ganed the weight in the first place was because I could not work out for medical reasons...I am finally over that hump...so hopefully, I can run with it. As far as WW, it worked about half the times I was on it. Well, I worked...I guess it doesn't matter what I do as long as I am commited 100%. Just trying to see what will motivate me.

    Congrats on ur weight loss and ur neices weight loss!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I am a lifetime member of WW who has gained the weight back. I went every week faithfully for 2 years. I lost over 50lbs and kept it off until a back injury derailed me from running daily.

    Money is tight so I look for free alternatives. I know that sometimes you really need that face to face interaction, in person, not just online. I have found SparkPeople has a lot more interaction as far as groups related to certain plans and topics, there are a lot of WW members there who do the program at home, free of charge. So if you still have your materials, you are well on your way. Another option that is really low cost is to join a TOPS meeting. I pay $20 a year for the f2f meetings and weight in. I don't really follow their exchange plan. And I have not been in a while, but its there when I need it and well worth the price. I get membership, materials and a monthly magazine.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I keep hearing about TOPS...what is it like?
  • I know WW isn't as expensive as some programs, but that $11 a week adds up. And gettting to these meetings without a car is a pain in the butt.

    I never really got that much out of the meetings since I didn't think I had that much in common with the other members. I think being on-line is probably a better answer for me.
  • Hi there. I noticed that you are from the DC area where in the DC area are you? I am in Northern VA, Manassas area. I know how you feel I want to start WW but I dont have the money. It is easier to have friends help each other I am doing this all by myself.

  • megan00
    megan00 Posts: 16
    I am thinknig about going bac k to Weight watchers AGAIN ( for the 8th? time?). I'm just losing hope. I know that this site can work, but I am still lacking so much motivation. Maybe if I am in a group setting, it would help. Of course, I would have to go to the meetings every week. But, it's 40 a month for basically the same thing as this! So what should I do? I'm confused.

    i did weight watchers for over half a year and i really thought it would help me, it didnt i lost 4lbs. and every week they promised to go through my tracker and they never did. personally i dont think its great. i mean alot of people swear by it. but maybe its not for you, it certaintly wasnt for me. after i left weightwatchers i lost half a stone alone. i think the meetings are okay but i always found a certain group of people were in competition to get their voices heard and some topics wouldnt get discussed as a result. i found it no use and since joining this website i feel so motivated. the message board is amazing and i think the calories counter is much more effective that the points system. maybe your weigh watchers is different to the one i attended. but 40 a month is expensive enough. this website is much better in my opinion.

    i think you should do whatever you need to do to loose weight and whatever way feels comfortable to you. good luck and i hope you stay motivated. :)
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I would say out of all the times I went, half the time I lost weight...it just seems so old school tho! My MOM went to WW...and they dont count protein, which is annoying.They always say the slower u lose, the better...um the slower u lose, the more $$ they make!!
  • I recently joined this site and I am incorporating it into my weight watchers program. I log my food onto this site instead of the weight watcher logs and have found that even though I was within my points, I was eating way too much sugar and carbs! Since I have added this site to my daily count, I have lost 5 pounds and at my WW goal weight (again). I really enjoy my WW group and feel I need to have the accountability of weighing in and having it written down in my journal. I know that is the number she will be comparing my weight to at the next weigh-in. Some people I've noticed choose a goal that is above their desired weight so that they can attend the meetings for free, while continuing to lose. I guess it's ok as long as it is within the WW weight range for your height. Having a supportive leader and a fun group to share recipes and goals as well as obstacles is very important, so if you don't like the group or the leader, attend another meeting.
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