Back and ready to work!


I started with the food diary about a year and a half ago. I wasn't serious enough about it, and after losing 8 or so lbs (freshman weight), I fell off. A few months ago, I started dating someone and gained 10 lbs of happy weight/eating out 4 days a week. I'm not enjoying carrying around this extra weight, as it's begun to interfere with my performance on the rugby pitch. This time, I'm ready to eat right, exercise, lose weight, and build muscles. I'm glad to see there's still a community around of people to encourage one another and keep each other on track. I'm looking forward to a successful journey.



  • samprestonxo
    Hey Alexis,

    I'm actually in a similar boat! I lost weight while at school, but gained a bunch back when I moved home for a nursing school placement. I used to track a lot but fell off the bandwagon. Welcome back and be awesome!
