1500 Calories a day...your thoughts???

Ok so i am a male, 315lbs and 5'9"-5'10". I have been doing atkins the last few weeks prob 4 actually since late October and I've lost like 10lbs which is great but at the same time i am not satisfied with it. I want to go in the army/navy reserves. Because I feel I am compelled to serve at least the six years because I am a true patriot and I love my country and I want to see the world but also bc I really need the money (student loan debt and want to buy a house). Im thinking about cutting my calorie intake from the recommened 2030 to 1500ish.
My daily menu (boring) will consist of: Breakfast; 2 hard boiled eggs and 6oz of deli roast beef. Lunch; 3 cups of diced celery, 6oz of grilled chicken with 3 tbsp of Hellman's mayo. Snack; 2-3 cups of spinach, and Dinner; 8 oz of 85-15% ground beef. Thats it.

I just really need to shed weight FAST. Im getting into my late twenties and I'm feeling some anxiety about my life ect. Low carb is the most successful way that I have been loosing weight so that will not change. Just want some advice on the daily calorie intake reduction and as well as any info from some military guys on workouts and nutirtion woul dbe very hepful. Thanks.


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    1500 calories seems REALLY low to me and in weight loss, faster is not usually better. What caloric intake does MFP recommend for you?
  • gbreault87
    2030..but the reason is is i found some "military diet" online and it recommends 1500
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1500 is way too low for your size.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    For men, the recommended minimum is 1800 calories. 1500 is too low, in my opinion. Don't screw your early 30's by following "fad" diets. Just eat a moderate deficit and be patient. It will come off, as long as you're consistent and accurate with your intake/logging.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    2030..but the reason is is i found some "military diet" online and it recommends 1500

    When you try to lose weight really fast .....you lose "weight" ......this will not be just fat. You are losing muscle mass too.

    To lose mainly fat.....choose a moderate weight loss goal & do some strength training. But if it's just the number on a scale.....carry on.

    I would suggest incorporating "lifestyle" changes too.... making permanent changes that you can sustain for a lifetime. Personally, I can't do low carb for a lifetime (nor do I need too) as I am not diabetic. Permanent lifestyle changes will help you keep the weight off in the future.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    There is no military diet - unless you want to eat MRE's a couple times of day... I am ex army and I can assure you we had no "diet" lol We drink, smoke and eat like crap... the only difference is we are BUSY from 5am until 6pm and sometimes earlier than that.

    Lose weight slow and reasonable without crash dieting. You will feel much better :)