30DS - Non Consecutive Days?

Can you still get the benefit of 30DS if you do it on alternate days? I go to the gym M-W-F and I'm not sure I can handle another intense workout on those days. If I work in 30DS on T-T-S, will that be ok? Or would I be wasting my time?


  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    If you're already going to the gym, then by all means do 30DS on your alternate days. It will still give you great results. If however you were only doing the 30DS 3 days a week and nothing else in-between, then I don't think it would give you the results you are looking for. Consistency is key.....and you are already active in the gym so this is a great filler on your off days from the gym.
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I am just about to start a program too. I am going to do c25k m-w-f and 30ds t-t-s. I like you thought doing it on the same days as my other workout would be too much.
  • trilei75
    trilei75 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I'm glad to hear this will work... I've been looking for something to fill in on non gym days. I hope 30DS won't make me too sore at first.
  • szarlotka717
    szarlotka717 Posts: 85 Member
    30DS can definitely make you sore, but for the most part, exercising the next day can somewhat relieve the soreness (of course, within reason - don't hurt yourself!).