A 10 pound gain in 30 days. Need advice!

I'm a 29 yr old female, around 5'6 and 135 pounds. Exactly 30 day ago I was ten pounds lighter at 125 #'s. After seeing that 135 on the scale this morning, I decided that I will no longer be eating horrible foods, will work out 5-6x per week (which I've been doing regularly anyways) and will stop with the darn booze. I recently got engaged so I have been "celebrating" much more with alcohol than I should be as families and friends keep throwing these get togethers to celebrate. I intentionally have tried not weighing myself daily or even weekly because I tend to get mildly obsessive about the number on the scale. Of course, when I don't weigh myself for a month, I end up gaining 10 pounds. I know, I know, it's not the end of the world, but it definitely gets me a bit depressed and feeling down about myself.

I realize if I don't take accountability and weigh myself frequently, I end up gaining weight like a mad woman. I guess I do this because I don't really notice my pants fitting tighter or anything. Since I don't weigh in often, I just think "hey, that double cheeseburger won't kill ya, plus, your clothes still fit fine". I know it's NOT the right mindset. I need to figure out how many times per month/week I should weigh in without letting it control my mind and obsessing over the number? Also, if anyone has little tid- bits of advice to give me to help me lose these 10 pounds as fast as humanly possible, that would definitely be appreciated. I know it comes off much slower than it goes on....:embarassed:


  • perfectamalgam
    perfectamalgam Posts: 1 Member
    Weigh-in frequency is all in personal taste and should be based on what motivates you. I have to weight in at least every other day to stay motivated. You would weight everyday. What is key is understanding that the number on the scale is not always a true representation on what you weigh. It fluctuates based on the timing of your last meal, you recent sodium and water intake, alcohol intake, and exercise regimen. As long as you don't freak out when you don't lose day after day, you should be fine to weigh each day.

    I recommend weighing in the morning without clothes on right after you get out of bed.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Congrats on the engagement!

    I have the same obsession. Sometimes I weigh myself multiple times a day. Sometimes I don't worrya bout the number and other days I get so mad at it.

    I will always weigh myself every day. However, I only count the weight once a week. So every Monday I will weigh in and that is hte weight that counts. Nothing else matters. The rest are what I would account for body fluctuations. I do always weigh in first thing in the morning, little or no clothes and nothing in my belly.

    If a lot of it is from drinking I will imagine once you cut back you will see a noticeable difference pretty early on.

    Good luck
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I congratulations on the engagement.

    I love your enthusiasm too. Carry on, you'll do just fine!
  • Thank you for the congratulations and the advice :)

    Yes, I am thinking a lot of the weight packed on due to wine, mixed drinks and beer ( I know wine and beer are killers when it comes to calories). With the holiday's approaching, its hard not to have a couple glasses of wine with family but I will try to somehow drink less calories when consuming alcohol. Possibly make wine spritzers or something instead of just heaping glasses of red vino lol!

    As for the weighing in thing, it's funny cause I weighed myself yesterday, I was 135. Today I'm 132. Of course it felt awesome to see the 3 pound decrease in just a day but I assume its due to the fact that I ate extremely clean yesterday and didn't over indulge as I typically have been. I think I'll try the once a week weigh in, because if I weigh myself daily, I will just end up obsessing. It's crazy how the number on the scale can ruin my day or even sometimes my entire week. I get more nervous stepping up on the scale than I do about taking finals for school or speaking in front of an audience. I feel like it has control over my life sometimes....