Hi all :)

I'm a 29 year old mother of 3 living in New Zealand. I have attempted to loose weight many times before (and succeeded but due to irrational diet tendencies I've always gained it back and some). This time I'm taking it slow, this is for life, I'm in the right head space. I'm limiting my calories to 1200 and working out at the gym (cardio/weights combo) 5 times a week. I need to be realistic and begin a lifestyle which I can maintain as I have a terrible habit of going hard and falling off the wagon after only a few weeks.

I have a lot to loose, around 50kg, buts its time, I'm very positive I can do this :)

Would love some myfitnesspal buddies to share the ride with so please feel free to 'friend' me!


  • nikkipaige
    nikkipaige Posts: 23 Member
    I'm the same way! I lose a lot and then gain it back really quickly! This time I'm doing it slow and steady and trying my hardest to stick to a good diet and workout schedule. I am trying to lose 30-40 lbs. Feel free to add me and we can help support each other in this!