I have just horrid body image....

I am a 178 lb 5ft 11 inch girl (NO i do not play sports :tongue: ) It's really hard for me because although I know I'm not extremely overweight, I'm on the bigger end. Almost all of my friends are stick skinny, and stay like that no matter what they eat. I honestly cry, I mean CRY, when I go shopping, because I hate how nothing is made for my body. I have the wide hips and the butt and thighs. I know that I can loose some of it, but I'll never look like them because we have such different body types and I just get really discouraged. I know it's horrible to compare yourself to others, but I can't seem to help it. Also, I don't have much in the chest department (girls you know what i'm referring to) so that just makes the fact that I don't have a super toned belly even worse. I don't know what to do to get me to feel better about myself. What do you guys do? Please help me.


  • RominaSullivan
    Hi there!

    First, congratulate yourself for making the decision to take control of your body. A lot of people live in denial and sometimes this step is the hardest to take! I was in denial for a while because I had not REALLY realized how much weight I had put on and would not open up to the idea of sacrificing food. Plus I was lazy.... never wanted to work out.

    Anyway, you really want to do something about it and you are in the right place to do it! this website is awesome, read the posts often and you will find so much info, support, inspiration and motivation.

    Unfortunately, the first thing that you have to accept (and this was the hardest thing for me because I'm impatient) is that this is a process that will take a while but it will be well worth it! And the results will be permanent! so think about that as a super positive! Try no to get discouraged if you don't see changes right away, cause even if you don't see them physically, they are happening because you are treating your body better.

    Find a work out that you enjoy doing! (very important) Once you get into working out you'll feel so much better about yourself that it will motivate you to follow through with your eating! Mix up your work outs to make sure you are always working different muscles, you'll see that your body will start to re-shape. Once you start seeing this changes, you won't even want to compare your body to others :-) you will learn to love yourself more and more each step of the way!

    Anyway, those are my 2 cents! I'm not a pro or anything, but I feel like I've learned so much from this site. And most importantly, I'm feeling very comfortable with my body now... something that had never happened to me, even when I was skinnier during high school.

    Hope this helps! and feel free to add me as a friend for support. Good luck!!!