Sort of new

Hi, I am sort of new to this. While I have always known there is no "magic" pill to lose weight or anything I have gotten frustrated more times than I can count. I finally went to the doctor, one who has finally listened to me and my issues. She told me to use myfitnesspal, and cut out gluten. Which scares me a little I've never done anything like this before. And don't panic at this next statement, but I am a beachbody coach*****wait trust me I'm not selling anything, in fact I'm wondering about what exactly I'm drinking (Shakeology). My doctor didn't seem to impressed by it. Quite frankly I'm wondering about it. I did start exercising and to my surprise I really have enjoyed it. Being a stay-at-home mom of a 8 year old and a 5 year old I like the outlet exercise gives me. My question is to those who have done this for awhile, is going gluten free hard to get the hang of?? And should I rethink the Shakeology thing?? I really have been doing it more for convience during lunch or breakfast. With kids its easier, but if its doing more harm than good, then whats the point.
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