bicycling burns more, can i just do that

This week me and my fiance bought bicycles

-Friday we went biking for 1 hr 40 min. (836 cal) from it.

-Then the next morning went to local state park and rode the paths for 2 1/2 hours (1775 cal).

-Then today went to friends woods and played paintball (Sadly, no entry. I listed as hiking, and lowered time spent doing the activity)--- 2 hours (1003 cal).

The Question--- Would it be wise -or unwise- for me to not work out every MWF (college student, and this week is a killer) and do the above activities on the weekend, when i have the time to do so?

Especially, since the above activities each individually burn more calories than i am told to do all week of exercise.

I usually try to burn 800 cal a week, due to little time to go to the gym every morning. It would be so much easier to do the above- and since each of those tops off my goal cal. loss, then why not just do them?


  • splenda
    splenda Posts: 24
    This week me and my fiance bought bicycles

    -Friday we went biking for 1 hr 40 min. (836 cal) from it.

    -Then the next morning went to local state park and rode the paths for 2 1/2 hours (1775 cal).

    -Then today went to friends woods and played paintball (Sadly, no entry. I listed as hiking, and lowered time spent doing the activity)--- 2 hours (1003 cal).

    The Question--- Would it be wise -or unwise- for me to not work out every MWF (college student, and this week is a killer) and do the above activities on the weekend, when i have the time to do so?

    Especially, since the above activities each individually burn more calories than i am told to do all week of exercise.

    I usually try to burn 800 cal a week, due to little time to go to the gym every morning. It would be so much easier to do the above- and since each of those tops off my goal cal. loss, then why not just do them?
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    I am far from an expert.... but from what I've read, regular exercise is key. I found that biking is a great way to burn calories, and I've added it into my weekly workout. But I try to mix it up, run one day, bike another, walk & strength training, etc.

    If you think of exercise like food. You wouldn't fast all week then just eat on the weekends. :wink:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I adore biking!
    When my jeep died last year biking was my only way to get back and forth from work. It dropped me from 325 to about 240 pounds with no diet modification.

    Regular exercise is important, but you also want to switch up which exercises you do. Your body will begin to acclimate itself to certain exercises and their effectiveness will begin to decrease (at least according to every coach i've ever had for weight lifting). That's why a lot of pro athletes will switch things up - bicycle, running, jumping rope, etc - all just for cardio.

    Also, biking is amazing simply because it really lets you look at the world around you. I noticed so much more about the world around me when I was cycling versus driving the same road a million times.
  • splenda
    splenda Posts: 24
    Well the thing is I am out of school in 3 weeks, and figured on bking around town vs. gym every morning. And I know that diff. exercises help you loose more, and better for you. Just wanted to hear from y'all and hear your ideas.
