Finally, it clicked!!!!

I have lost weight in the past, suffered from and eating disorder and have even logged with MFP before but have always either given up or gained everything back at some point usually because I have a bad few days don't log and then just panic, try to compensate by eating a too low calorie diet which I then can't maintain and give up. I don't know what happened this time, maybe it is reading everyone else's opinions and success stories but something clicked with me and it all seemed to make more sense this time around.
My husband's brother got married this weekend so we had all the family here and ended up going for suppers and breakfasts and of course there was the food and alcohol at the wedding. I decided to be good when we all went out on Friday night and only ordered a chicken salad so I could splurge a little on Saturday. In the past I would have either barely eaten at the party and been miserable while everyone else enjoyed themselves or eaten everything in sight, panicked, not logged the calories and tried to overcompensate by eating practically nothing Sunday and then given up, or just given up immediately as I had 'wrecked' my diet and then splurged even more. But this time I logged everything I had on Saturday (all 3000+ calories :embarassed: ) moved on, logged on Sunday (a bit over my limit) and then was back on track on Monday. I have weighed today and have lost 400g this week. I would have been happy with maintaining but I am absolutely over the moon that I lost. :happy: When I looked at my total calories for the whole week I was still in deficit so the naughty weekend had slowed down my loss but not stopped it. I had such a good time on Saturday and really enjoyed the little splurge and am back on track again. I just wish that I had really understood how this weight loss thing works earlier as it would have saved me many years of misery. :ohwell:


  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    Absolutely right! Well said! A week of of winning with a day of defeat is still a win! A month of winning with a bad week is still a win! Overall trends are all that matter! In fact, if you want to get scientific about it, you could really not pay attention to the daily weight number and just look at a 10 day moving average and make sure it is heading in the right direction.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Awesome job!!! Yep, just not slipping too much too often is the key thing, imho. That's still hard to do, but it is surprisingly simple :)