need some advise

trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So not only is my pedometer lieing to me so is my scale. I weighed myself this morning 1 lb up.. not too upset considering i went to a wedding this last weekend and was sick last week. i was down in our clinic this morning and weighted myself again... why does my work scale say i am 7lbs lighter (wearing clothes mind u) then my home scale (nakki :)) ?!?!?! I do not know which one to believe. I guess sense I have been using the one at home i should use that even though the weight is wrong... IDK


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Do you work in a medical office? If so is their scale calibrated on a regular basis? If so, I would start using that one because of its accuracy. As far as weight lost so far refer to the poundage lost by the same scale. If you start using your work scale then only refer to your work scale. Good luck!
  • CharleneM
    CharleneM Posts: 64 Member
    I kept changing scales too. I thought they were all bad. (Maybe they were) So I bought a new one and only use it. A pound is a pound. HAHA--Yesterday I was getting stuff ready for a yard sale and got out the two scales for it, when I decided to get on them. I laid all three of them (my new one too) out and one by one got on them. They all 3 said something different. HAHA--I kept the new one and it had me weighing more! I guess that will make me work harder. Just pick one and stick to just it. Also measuring yourself is the real key. I measured myself this morning and OMG! I have gone down several inches.I can actually tell by the clothes I am wearing. I have had to pack all of them all up and get out my old ones. I got to go shopping in my own closet!!! YAY!!!
    SO...measure yourself every couple of weeks and only use one set of won't be as frustrated...GOOD LUCK AND BE STRONG!
  • I would just stick with one too and I wouldn't worry about the scale too much either. I love to go by the way my clothes fit. So I would also rely on your measurments. Just because you aren't losing weight doesn't mean you aren't losing inches.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    sorry I don't have any advise per se, but I can tell you that you are not alone. I have noticed a severe fluctuation in the different scales. Especially the one at Bally's gym. I don't think that thing has been calibrated in years because it was like a 20lb difference. So, maybe here's my advise...don't give the scale so much power. The scale is going to fluctuate day to day, hour to hour, even week to week sometimes :( and as you've encountered even different scales say diff things. It took me about 4 months myself to get this thru my own head, so I know it is easier said than done, but you've got to base your success on so much more than just the number on the scale. Besides being a lower weight, why else do you want to lose weight? What other exact reasons are you making this lifestyle change? Do you want to be able to walk up a certain # of stairs w/o trouble? Do you want to be able to touch your toes? fit in a certain chair better? It helped me to write these things down, maybe it will help you too. :flowerforyou:
  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    thanks everyone. I am going to stick with my lying cheating scale lol. I definitely have seen major results even with my lying scale so I am happy about that. I have decided on days i feel bad or super fat I will go weigh on the other scale and remind myself that either way I am down :D But hey seeing the lower number will help even if i am stuck at the same weight for awhile :P I know this whole things is a mental thing... and I am working to remind myself of all the other reasons I am making this change in my life. I am 16lbs down, I can now run/jog for 37 mins straight ( two weeks ago I could barely run for 60secs), my clothes are looser and I don't feel like a sausage, I have not had a major flare of my RA in almost 2 months, I am getting stronger, the stiffness I get from my RA has almost disappeared, I have been active everyday for 5 weeks (30+mins a day), I have been able to do things I have never been able to do before, I have learned how salt effects my body (my kryptonite), i have learned how much it can mean to have people who don't even know you support you in this journey and vice versa, I have learned I am strong enough both in body and mind, and I have managed to not allow myself any excuses and to be accountable for making myself healthier and happier- no excuses, I have been a bully to myself and held myself back for far to long, lied to myself and let mine and other peoples misconception of me become reality and I am done. I will be happier and healthy and no one will stop me not even myself. thanks for giving your advise.
    I will try and not let the mind games get to me!! Have a good day everyone... night! :P
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Sounds like you've come a long way Foxy! soooo great to read about your success!
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