Ultra 90 weightloss/ Fenphedra



  • kmcarlson88
    kmcarlson88 Posts: 13 Member
    OK so I worded this totally wrong.
    I didn't care if you bashed the products. I didnt want the judgemental comments to ME about "why would you even think of asking" or "why would you even take that ****"
    people can be freaking mean and I dont want to deal with it.
    I understand that this is an open community and poeple can say what they want but I didn't want the wrath of evil upon ME.

    Someone asked why I'm asking after I already bought it - because I wanted to see if anyone had tried it and had success. I have taken it a few days now and feel no gitters just supressing my appetite - which is sometimes what I need because if I feel hungry I eat.

    I have never tried the fenphedra and will probably stray away. \
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    Someone asked why I'm asking after I already bought it - because I wanted to see if anyone had tried it and had success. I have taken it a few days now and feel no gitters just supressing my appetite - which is sometimes what I need because if I feel hungry I eat.

    So basically that's the problem with taking something to suppress your appetite so that you won't "eat when you feel hungry". This is something that will come bounding back after your stop taking the meds. It took me several months to teach myself NOT to eat just because I THOUGHT I was hungry. It took months to learn portion control. It took months to recondition myself away from binging.

    Now, I'm not faced with these issues. However, if they ever rear their ugly heads again (like in times of stress) - I have learned how to deal with them. Take a look back at all the tickers of the people responding to this thread. It's hard work, you have to really work through your issues with food - but it is so worth it. Good luck.