[LoL] Summoners, introduce yourselves :)

Hey everyone. How many of us are out there? Tell us your summoner name if you want and your server, which role is your favorite, and who you've been playing recently.

Here's me: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/37340661 (warning: i'm mediocre)
I support usually, Sona is my favorite champion :) Ahri and Nidalee are a lot of fun too though.

I think it's going to be a great season, lots of new changes for sure to make it interesting. The new One-for-All map is great because I get to play a lot of champs I would have never thought of playing :)


  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    Whuddup fellow LoLers! :bigsmile:

    My favorite champ of all time = Teemo. I can rape some serious face with that lil' dude! I'm currently addicted to the new play type because it's so fun to trololololol in that mode! ^___^

    My summoner name is xSirensSong (just like on every other platform I'm on) & am always looking for cool/chill people to play with (no try-hards for me please!)

    I also enjoy playing some Soraka. :flowerforyou:
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    Ahw yeah, I am Vecca on EUW server.

    I prefer support but somehow never buy any of those, so I main ADC's or break the meta by taking the most unlikely champs to different lanes, like AP Tristana Mid or Vlad/Lulu bot

    I play a lot of Jinx, Tristana, Ezreal, Talon and Vladimir, and whatever interesting champs are free.

    This new season is looking promising. One for all is... weird but such fun, though I wish it wasn't Summoners Rift, Howling Abbyss would've been better.
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    I never got into ranked games yet mainly due to not having dedicated people to play with. I am afraid to join a pub ranked game and get a bunch of leavers. :(

    I really enjoy anything AD with crit. Gangplank(Critplank) is one of my favorite all time builds.

    Here is my stats:
  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    I never got into ranked games yet mainly due to not having dedicated people to play with. I am afraid to join a pub ranked game and get a bunch of leavers. :(

    I really enjoy anything AD with crit. Gangplank(Critplank) is one of my favorite all time builds.

    Here is my stats:
    One of my friends plays Critplank and does okay with him.
    Also that fear of trolls and AFK in ranked never goes away :(
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    I got level 30 but am not playing ranked. I already dislike normal games enough because of the terrible community, and ranked is even worse I hear, so nope, not going there.

    It's a game and it's supposed to be fun!
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    I got level 30 but am not playing ranked. I already dislike normal games enough because of the terrible community, and ranked is even worse I hear, so nope, not going there.

    It's a game and it's supposed to be fun!

    I quit playing for that reason and then came back to find ARAM. A 20 minute game where no one gives a crap if they win or loose. And you can try out some crazy builds.
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    I got level 30 but am not playing ranked. I already dislike normal games enough because of the terrible community, and ranked is even worse I hear, so nope, not going there.

    It's a game and it's supposed to be fun!

    ^^THIS! Only for funzees! ^__^
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I have been playing since 2010. I have 2 level 30's and working on my 3rd (currently level 21).

    I used to play ranked but it just became to aggravating and now I mostly play ARAM. I still play ranked to stop my elo from decaying, but that is one game every 28 days :)

    I am a support player (Janna main) and the changes seem like they will make the role more interesting. I used to have this really fun Janna build back in the day involving Nashor's Tooth, but I haven't been able to use it since supports were forced to buy gold items.

    Can't link my profile at work, but names are Zelinna, Veveren, and Putter Popple.

    ETA. I realize I am a bit obsessed with the game :)
  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    really fun Janna build back in the day involving Nashor's Tooth

    LOL. That's excellent. I would have never thought to do this.
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    really fun Janna build back in the day involving Nashor's Tooth

    LOL. That's excellent. I would have never thought to do this.

    Now that supports have way more income, it may be viable again. I use Nashor's Tooth on my Tris build, might put it into Janna's now xD
    She did get hit very hard by the nerfbat though.
  • slikorify
    slikorify Posts: 130 Member
    Hey all,
    New LoL player here. Still learning a lot about it, trying out loads of different champions. Been a big gamer for a long time, mainly WoW and loads of console games. My name on it is Vileshade, feel free to add me on here or on their (EUW), any advice on learning it would be great :)
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    Hey all,
    New LoL player here. Still learning a lot about it, trying out loads of different champions. Been a big gamer for a long time, mainly WoW and loads of console games. My name on it is Vileshade, feel free to add me on here or on their (EUW), any advice on learning it would be great :)

    Oh hey there, another EUW player, summoner name here is Vecca, add me and maybe we can play together =)
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    really fun Janna build back in the day involving Nashor's Tooth

    LOL. That's excellent. I would have never thought to do this.

    Now that supports have way more income, it may be viable again. I use Nashor's Tooth on my Tris build, might put it into Janna's now xD
    She did get hit very hard by the nerfbat though.

    The build utilizes focused on CDR, a little AP, and utilizing the ad on the sheild. Leveling W & E at the same time (or just leveling W). Even at the time I had people raging at me for not building her right, but it was a ton of fun, and I would usually have a positive score.

    I will have to go back and try to find exactly what I did. I haven't used it in a long time because it just wasn't viable for ranked.

    I am excited to have more income on supports to try and find more wacky builds :)