I keep waiting for this to work.... grrrr.

goola Posts: 6 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
frustrated! I worked all spring to lose 10 lbs before a vacation, and only lost about 3, GRRRRR. Unfortunately immediately upon returning from vacation, i fell and injured myself. After two months of being laid up after surgery, I gained some weight. no telling how much.... I'm not too married to the number on the scale, but I know I lost muscle mass and gained fat based on the way clothes fit.

So as soon as my ortho cleared me over a month ago, I joined a gym (previously I only ran outside) and started trying to get back in shape, cross training this time, and resistance training. I've been logging my food and staying on track mostly (aside from a weekend slip while out of town). and i've GAINED 3 lbs.

in the past, my body has HATED to lose weight. i lost about 15 lbs two years ago, mainly b/c I had tonsilitis twice within 3 months and i barely ate for about 5 months. the only times I've been able to trim down have been from severely restricting my calories. for example, after my mom died, I was down to 125, (currently i'm 152), but I ran obsesively and ate almost nothing. I'm shooting for 138 now. (like i said, i'm not too married to the number on the scale, honestly my goal is to fit in the clothes that I wore the last time I was 138)..... i'd like to get thin, strong and fit, and don't want to starve myself, but i fear that might be the only way to jolt this weight off.



  • fletchbaby
    fletchbaby Posts: 62 Member
    Start with feeling STRONG first, I think thats the most important, I have a long way to go until I reach my goal but just the small progress I've had has not been so much the #'s or how I look ,but how I feel...I feel just a bit stronger!
  • I look at it this way. You didn't put the weight on over night it will take just as long to safely and correctly loose the same amount of wait. Don't give up!
  • ssamuels86
    ssamuels86 Posts: 3 Member
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    The only thing I can suggest is switchin up your work out plan, bring it harder if you can, and get serious with what you're eating.

    I haven't checked out your food diary, but make sure that you're eating at least 1200 calories, and mabye some of the exercise calories. Just don't put yourself into starvation mode.

    If you don't see progress I would ask your doc.

    feel free to check out my food journal if you need any food ideas.
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