Losing 1-2 pounds every 2 days, bad ?



  • skinnytayy
    I think it should be okay .. Should slow down soon to about 2-3lbs per week. Keep in mind, everyone's metabolism works differently and that has alot to do with losing weight, obviously. Another thing I've noticed is, the more you weigh the more you lose at first .. Like if someone is 400lbs and trying to lose weight they may lose more than someone who is 150lbs.
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I think it will be okay. Eventually your weight loss will probably slow down because your body is getting use to your routine...I don't know though, everybody is different. That's what happened with me awhile back.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Usually you lose a lot at first (water weight I'm told) then it slows down, healthy is a steady 1.5 - 2.0 lbs per week. Also, the reason you are only supposed to weigh yourself once a week is because your weight changes frequently within a week, so an accurate measure is about once a week. Good job!

    Yea I know, and I was just thinking a little earlier, how discouraged some people must feel when they work so hard and lose 1-2 pounds a week, for me that would be discouraging for sure. Im drinking at least -10-12 glasses of water a day, honestly, I feel good, before I started this, I always felt hot inside my body, dehydrated , I have not felt that for the past month.

    You are doing absolutely amazing! Sure, the weight loss will slow down a little. when you are nearing your goal...a 1-2lb loss really feels amazing! I think I lost 5lbs in my first week and the same a week after and lost continuously (1lb - 2lb) for about 2 - 3months after...and then hit the dreaded plateau twice...you need to acknowledge that ANY weight loss is fantastic, because these plateaus for most people are unavoidable...

    Keep on doing what you are doing...as long as you are feeling energetic and happy...then you are doing well. Make sure you are eating enough calories, otherwise this will work against you in the future!

    really, you should be feeling so proud...and what a way to start your new lifestyle change!!!

  • dastephlu
    The way I see it is you managed to find the secrets to loosing that weight Biggest Looser style. The guys up there start off losing 10, 15, heck even last season 20+lbs in the first couple of weeks. I don't think Jillian and Bob would have a show if losing more then 2lbs a week was bad for you, for the bigger people at least, although that is what is recommended for the average person. Keep doing what you're doing, and if it is a huge concern, discuss it with your doctor, show him what your daily intake is, and what excersices you're doing.

    Congrats by the way! :drinker:
  • ashlieghriot
    I am losing a pound every other day. I went from 160 something to 157.6. Lol. I workout every 2 days if not every other day. The weird thing is, is i eat pretty much whatever i want. (I know this is bad). Most the time i try and keep it healthy, but sometimes i slipt. I have also been eating a lot of subway :P. Ive also been upping my workouts a bit.