Sodium help


How important is meeting the sodium requirements? I seem to have trouble actually hitting the sodium target set, while maintaining close to the calories value. Should I be trying to take more sodium or is it enough just to meet the calorie target?


  • lkniebuehler
    I try to stay below the sodium target.. I maintain my calories.. and all the other targets, but rarely sodium.. you need some.. for normal body function.. but I wouldn't look to add it into your diet.
  • xxtaliaxx
    It's more important to meet or be under the calorie target. For some people, sodium plays a huge factor in weight loss, but it's not something to be overly worried about if you are healthy. She is right though; your body needs sodium, but too much of it and you'll bloat.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Less sodium is better. It's not a target to hit, it's a number to stay under.
  • missbirrell
    Less sodium is better, unless you have a health problem requiring you to have more. For example, I have low blood pressure and need to have a lot of salt in my diet to stop me crashing. (I don't achieve it very often though!)
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    My doctor told me that a healthy body can process sodium just fine and that the water the sodium attracts is good for cushioning our cells. Unless you have a health reason to cut back, just eat what you like that is within your calorie goal. I still track sodium so that if I suddenly shoot up a couple of pounds I can look at my sodium and reassure myself that it's just water.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    you have to have a minimum of 500mg a day for your organs to function apparently