beer and french fries but staying under 1500 calories a day



  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Skip the fries to make room for more beer
    Or better yet, trade a few beers for tequila shots! If you count the lime you're getting fruit too :drinker:
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    If this is a serious post, as well as your previous posts about your craving for triple cheeseburgers, then I would say you have a big problem with self control and possibly addiction.

    As for the food addiction and cravings, it sounds like you are used to eating a lot more than 1500. You might want to start with a smaller deficit in the beginning so you dont have the strong urge to binge, I would also suggest looking into counseling.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    This all depends on what type of beer you're drinking.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    this sounds like a great idea....:drinker:

  • Pitmanpaul
    Pitmanpaul Posts: 12 Member
    Bang in some extreme exercise and you may be able to get to 15 beers a day and achieve a calorie defecit.
  • blondepaparazzi
    blondepaparazzi Posts: 39 Member
    I drink beer pretty much everyday but most the times I'm under my goal (1320). I just have to make a choice... do I want to have one or two beers, and have some good stuff to eat too, or do I want to fill up my calories with beer and liquor and not eat much else? It seems like an obvious answer, and I don't drink like I use to, but I also know that if I had to give up drinking completely to lose weight I would have a really hard time sticking with it. I just tell myself not to drink until around dinner time. Try filling yourself up with chicken or salmon, maybe lean steak. Then have a few beers, and drink water, lots of it, throughout the day before having dinner and alcohol. I'm still working on the water part myself!

    One of the things I had to rule out was NO FAST FOOD. I mean, there are special occasions but I haven't had any yet and I avoid those places like the plaque, even though before MFP I was going practically everyday. Letting go of fast food hurts, but when you realize that there are a lot of other good foods out there, and at the grocery, to your home, then you'll find you don't really miss it after all. However, yesterday I was driving and trying to come up with an excuse to go to Wendy's or KFC, but I thought of MFP and all my friends and said, you know what, plenty of good stuff at home, don't want to let myself or anyone else down. It's taken some determination but I've done it and will continue!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Bang in some extreme exercise and you may be able to get to 15 beers a day and achieve a calorie defecit.

    This is the type of initiative I like to see in these threads! :wink:
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    If this is a serious post, as well as your previous posts about your craving for triple cheeseburgers, then I would say you have a big problem with self control and possibly addiction.

    As for the food addiction and cravings, it sounds like you are used to eating a lot more than 1500. You might want to start with a smaller deficit in the beginning so you dont have the strong urge to binge, I would also suggest looking into counseling.

    I dont think that wanting beer and fries means he needs counseling. I want BK everytime I pass by ... doesnt mean i will stop but I still want it ... changing your lifestyle is hard ... it comes with cravings and challenges. I think we all have them. Food is created for us to crave.

  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Bang in some extreme exercise and you may be able to get to 15 beers a day and achieve a calorie defecit.

    Does a drunken stumble through someone's backyard before passing out into their pool count towards running and swimming cardio?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have finally sworn off triple cheeseburgers for the time being, however can I eat what I want to as long as i stay under 1500 calories a day, I mean french fries small for lunch and dinner but still havng my 5 beers, I do this every couple of days while working the weekends are harder I may just have french fries for lunch and 6-7 beers for dinner, is this possible as long as it under 1500 cals a day...

    This made me smile. You have calorie in/calories out down to a tee. A calorie deficit is all it takes to lose weight.

    That said, nutrition is very important to overall health. I suggest you cut some of those beers out and add some protein, vegetables, and fruits to your french fry dinner. :smile: