Good pre workout?

Can anyone give me a good pre-work out drink..(preferably that comes in powder) for mainly cardio? I need energy before i go to the gym but i need it to last through my cardio. I tried Cardio igniter but i cant stand the taste and i just got the C4 Extreme but i dont like how it makes my whole body itchy and on the 3rd day of trying it today i felt really tired about 30 min in.


  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I have the C4, I would just stick with it. After like a week, I stopped getting the itchy feeling. I even stopped using it for a month(you're supposed to take breaks from it periodically) and just started using it again, I only got the itchy feeling for like a day or two when I started back up with it again.
    ETA: Maybe you could try using a scoop before you get started, and then keep another scoop for once you hit like ten minutes into your workout. Then, when the canister is gone, try a different one if you don't like it enough to keep using it?
  • kelly52288
    Thats a good idea. Ill try taking a scoop with me next week.