quick question- girls only

somaja Posts: 21
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyway see a difference with weight gain or fluctiation during the week of your period? I was just wondering if I should even bother to weigh myself. I lost 2 lbs already, I am following my diet plan, but I am nervous the scale is going to be up.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Don't get those anymore but when I did
    water retention was the enemy. Expect
    to gain during that time. When you weigh in
    increase the numbers accordingly. When
    it is over it will go back to normal. Don't you just
    love those times LOL
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Yes, you will most likely see a gain. It's part of the deal. You just have to learn to get over it or you will drive yourself crazy! The good news is, as soon as good ol' TOM leaves, the scale will go down as long as you stayed on plan!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Yes, I gain between 3 and 7lb of water weight just before and during my period, but within about 2 days after it ends I'm back to normal or even less. I used to weigh during my period but now I don't I don't like seeing the numbers go up!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Usually I go up between 3-5lbs.
  • somaja
    somaja Posts: 21
    It definitely can be frustrating! I think I will give up the scale for a week!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Yep I gain 3-5. Because of this I do not weigh in that week. I don't want to get discouraged (even though I KNOW it's because of TOM). So I mean, what's the point in weighing in, really?
  • losinit4me
    losinit4me Posts: 10 Member
    I usually see a huge jump in weight the week before I start and then lose it all during my period. I have flucuated from 5-10 pounds with water retention. Which sucks when trying to lose weight but I stick to my plan and I am back to normal after its all done. I even surprise myself by losing a few more.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sometimes I gain sometimes I don't. But this time around it seems I've gained about 4 pounds. Mine usually starts the week before and once it arrives it slowly drops back down. You can weigh yourself during this time but don't get discouraged. If your doing everything right it's not a true gain.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I think I put on about 2lbs that week too! But... it seems to disappear about day 3. I'm not sure.

    ***MY*** biggest problem when my monthly clock strikes 12 is that I ***CRAVE*** calories! I'm STARVING for the day before, & the day I start.

    Any suggestions? I try to drink a LOT of water, but it's just NOT satisfying!! For those 2 days, I tend to binge eat!!
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    yup - agreed - up 2 or 3 lbs too.
    And I cant help eating my head off the week before - like I am possessed or something!

    As if we dont have enough to deal with eh!

    Dont worry, yes dont weigh in til later!

    As for the pre-TOM binge ....i try and go for dry popcorn or carrots - I dont care what i eat as long as I am eating constantly!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes. It used to be 3-5 lbs., now it's 2-3. It has a lot to do with how much water I drink.
    I make sure to drink more water during TOM so that my retention isn't as high as it could be.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    You know my first OFFICIAL weigh in was supposed to be this this past saturday but I could feel the water weight!! So I skipped it, I know I have been doing pretty good so why mess with my head!? Now that I have seen everyone's response I am glad I skipped it! My "monthly visitor" came today so I think I will go ahead this saturday the weigh in.
    Good Luck with yours!
    ps miss rose1617 makes a great point drink lots of water water retention will be worse if you are dehydrated the body will then retain more water so drink up! :drinker:
  • I usually see a gain during the week before my period. Don't let it discourage you!!
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    And think of the alternatives - menopause or pregnancy..eeek!....far worse for weight gain :wink:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Oh gosh, where do we start? 3-5 lbs and I eat like a horse for a few days!!!!
  • I think it's pretty normal to gain 3-5 lbs when "Tom" visits I wouldn't stress. remember stress is what put's the weight on.
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I think I put on about 2lbs that week too! But... it seems to disappear about day 3. I'm not sure.

    ***MY*** biggest problem when my monthly clock strikes 12 is that I ***CRAVE*** calories! I'm STARVING for the day before, & the day I start.

    Any suggestions? I try to drink a LOT of water, but it's just NOT satisfying!! For those 2 days, I tend to binge eat!!
  • I made the mistake of trying to weigh in during "the time" and I was so pissed off with myself! Somehow I had gained about 7 pounds in water weight. As soon as it was done, I went right back down but I almost had a heart attack!
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I think I put on about 2lbs that week too! But... it seems to disappear about day 3. I'm not sure.

    ***MY*** biggest problem when my monthly clock strikes 12 is that I ***CRAVE*** calories! I'm STARVING for the day before, & the day I start.

    Any suggestions? I try to drink a LOT of water, but it's just NOT satisfying!! For those 2 days, I tend to binge eat!!

    hiya yea you need to thinks high in iron its your body telling you it need iron ready to remake what ur losing! i eat loads of baked beans,red meat and green leafy veggies like cabbage! hope this helps you oh and try to to drink tea at this time as is stops your body digesting as much iron!
  • Before I had a hyster. in 2007, I used to gain a good 5 pounds with every TOM. Just account for water gain and don't get scared..it will go away!
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