Can Heavy Lifting Cause Increase in Waist Size?


Im confused over the fact that all along my waist has been 29 inches while doing Strong Lifts 3X5 but tonight I wanted to measure and got 30 inches!!! So then I step on the scale thinking i should be 150-155lbs but nope a whopping 159lbs instead. Im currently into the 11th week of the program. I only stopped logging about a week ago to alleviate the stress of it. Do some people's waists increase in size from Strong Lifts????


  • Unfortunately not. Muscle doesn't fly on that quickly for anyone, even guys. I've been doing my lifting program for about the same amount of time as you, and I've not seen any gain, except maybe a little definition in my arms. I haven't lost a ton of weight either, but that's cause I am a bit of a pig.

    However, when I'm nearing my period, I can gain up to two pounds and suddenly my pants don't fit right! Once I start my period, all that weight is gone. Major, major bloat.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    Absolutely. Heavy weight training with a calorie surplus will most definitely put inches on your waist. You are going to gain some fat along with muscle. It's just the way it works. Now if you lift heavy during a calorie deficit, you should see your waist shrink as the scale goes down.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Absolutely. Heavy weight training with a calorie surplus will most definitely put inches on your waist. You are going to gain some fat along with muscle. It's just the way it works. Now I you lift heavy during a calorie deficit, you should see your waist shrink as the scale goes down.

    Alright then. So if i continue to eat how i am, but increase cardio while continuing to lift heavy then i should see my waist shrink down........
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    saywut? you have questions about lifting and it's effects?

    i know this is gonna come as a shock, but sometimes people, women especially, retain water for various reasons, and some of those reasons include exercise, while some other reasons may include cycles, or sodium, or carbs or or or
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Absolutely. Heavy weight training with a calorie surplus will most definitely put inches on your waist. You are going to gain some fat along with muscle. It's just the way it works. Now I you lift heavy during a calorie deficit, you should see your waist shrink as the scale goes down.

    Alright then. So if i continue to eat how i am, but increase cardio while continuing to lift heavy then i should see my waist shrink down........

    Last I checked, cardio did not target the mid section for fat or muscle loss.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    saywut? you have questions about lifting and it's effects?

    i know this is gonna come as a shock, but sometimes people, women especially, retain water for various reasons, and some of those reasons include exercise, while some other reasons may include cycles, or sodium, or carbs or or or

    Or eating more than they normally do or different foods for a week?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    You gave up logging and ate badly for a week. So, why exactly do you think a gain is because of lifting?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    saywut? you have questions about lifting and it's effects?

    i know this is gonna come as a shock, but sometimes people, women especially, retain water for various reasons, and some of those reasons include exercise, while some other reasons may include cycles, or sodium, or carbs or or or

    TOM! it's tom right, you were gonna say TOM right? AMIRIIIIITE?????????????
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......


  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    If you are deadlifting, squatting, and/or doing other free weight exercises that involve stabilising trunk muscles ... military press, clean and press, triceps pressdowns, bench, barbell row, to name a few .... it is indeed possible that your obliques and abs will grow in size, which can lead to an increased waist measurement. Nothing to worry about at all. Keep lifting!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member

    saywut? you have questions about lifting and it's effects?

    i know this is gonna come as a shock, but sometimes people, women especially, retain water for various reasons, and some of those reasons include exercise, while some other reasons may include cycles, or sodium, or carbs or or or

    TOM! it's tom right, you were gonna say TOM right? AMIRIIIIITE?????????????

    Snort! Mine really was TOM. I was all like 'oh, so bloating actually does like make you bigger and stuff?'. Who knew? I thought it was just a feeling, like being nauseous :D
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    You ate a lot and gained weight?
    Wow, there might be a connection there. I suggest you write a paper about your findings and send it to a renowned university for review. People get rich by discovering sciency stuff all the time.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Barbarra!!!!!! What are you having? Are you having it at your house or the in laws? Any non traditional dishes?

    I love thanksgiving
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    My weight and my inches fluctuate due to various factors.
    Did I just beast out the day before on strength training? Yes? Is my body retaining water as a result? Yep.
    Or, did i just eat a boat load of salty stuffs? Yes? Water weight.
    Am I female and about to have a period? Yes?
    well, you get it.
    If you weigh everyday (why?) and you notice a sudden fluctuation, or measure every day and same thing
    Your answer is most likely water
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Each much salt lately? Water adds more pounds and inches than anything else.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    "I only stopped logging about a week ago to alleviate the stress of it"

    Why does it stress you so much? Could it be linked to the fact that everytime you come and ask for advice, the advice you get back is "log what you are eating"?

    Do you think that possibly stopping stressing over your progress, having some consistency and patience and following that advice might actually help?