First ten pounds

Did y'all notice your first 10 lbs came off fairly quick or was it slow coming? It sounds so silly but I can't wait until I have my first goal met which is ten lbs! It seems like nothing but it would be a huge deal anytime I've been on a diet I've never lost more then 3 lbs I've never reached a higher goal! Right now I've lost 3 lbs and I'm hoping I can push for those last 7 lbs! It would be such an accomplishment to me even though its only 10 silly lbs of a 50 lbs weight loss!


  • JL2513
    JL2513 Posts: 867 Member
    My first ten pounds came off very quickly! When you first start off, the pounds melt away pretty fast. Not too much effort required, so enjoy that because it will get tougher. You have more flexibility in terms of diet at the beginning. I've found that I've had to be a little more strict the closer I get to goal in terms of food (about the last five to ten pounds).
  • My first ten pounds came off very quickly! When you first start off, the pounds melt away pretty fast. Not too much effort required, so enjoy that because it will get tougher. You have more flexibility in terms of diet at the beginning. I've found that I've had to be a little more strict the closer I get to goal in terms of food (about the last five to ten pounds).

    Thank you I hope mine do come off here in the next 2 weeks I've been at it for 2 weeks and have only lost 3 so I'm going to try and push it!
  • Tinatot125
    Tinatot125 Posts: 45 Member
    I found my first 10lbs were nearly the slowest to come off. This is because even though I had started working out and was trying to eat better, I still hadn't got control over my calories and portion sizes. I think it took me over 3 months but fast forward to now and I am down nearly 40lbs and the last 10lbs have litteraly fallen off as I now know exactly what I need to do / eat to keep losing weight. All I say is make baby steps, little changes along the way and you will find out what works for you but don't get disheartened if it takes longer than you think. Everybody is different. Good luck.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    It's coming off fast for me but I have been expecting a slow down just since historically that's my issue, I slow down/plateau and get frustrated. I started with weights and measures on food though and really cut my carbs down significantly. I actually tailored mine here because I know those + portions are more of my problem then being over on calories.

    Been back tracking a month already and I'm adding in exercise fully now. I honestly wanted to not shock my system too much and ease in since in the past it was an all or nothing kinda thing. I've done a couple hikes since starting but 1x a week (yes better than nothing but still) is far different from following a program. Today's day 2 of 90 so hopefully that will keep it going like I want and I can reevaluate my workout plans at the end of the 90 day block.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    My first 10lbs came off quite slowly, but that's because I set my goal as 1lb a week because I wanted to make the changes to my diet/exercise slowly. It is extremely satisfying getting to that first 10lbs. If you need some motivation on the way google what 1lb or 5lbs of fat looks like. There is a photo on there somewhere of what 1, 5, 15 & 20lbs looks like. Every time I need motivation I just look at it!
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you I hope mine do come off here in the next 2 weeks I've been at it for 2 weeks and have only lost 3 so I'm going to try and push it!

    'Only' 3lbs in 2 weeks...that's good!
  • Mine came off after 2 weeks, guess those were water weight. Then 2 weeks after another 2.5 lbs lost. Just be patient, next thing you'll notice more than 7lbs is gone.
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    Don't focus on the weight starting off, you'll set unrealistic expectations later.

    It's going to depend on what weight you started at and what you've changed in your lifestyle, but it's common to lose 10 or even 25 lbs very quickly. Then reality will set in, which is why I think it best to ignore all the starting wins and focus on the long term plan.
  • LauraGibson80
    LauraGibson80 Posts: 16 Member
    My first 7lbs. came off super fast. It was the last 3lbs. to make it 10 that seemed to take forever.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    I lost 10 lbs the first two weeks, then nothing for 3 weeks. When I have low weight loss, it is almost always a week when I didn't drink enough water. I aim for an ounce per lb. Good luck on your healthy journey! Feel free to friend me.
  • I think mine is coming off slow because I'm still trying to figure out what food works for me and playing with different meals to stay under my calorie goal