Hey folks..important message here

To be honest..recently, I've been seeing too many post where people have been butting heads on what's best and what's not.

I want to challenge all of you..

Most gyms offer free workout session/s if you message the owner or their PR management. Go search for locations and places that offers different types of workouts, make a visit!!! As someone who has moderate knowledge to the whole fitness thing, I've been venturing many different/new places to workout my skillsets; I've worked out with gymnast, crossfitters, powerlifters, boxers, yoga experts, swimming coach, BJJ, and so forth.

Each and every time regardless of how much knowledge I already have, I would answer "I'm new to this exercise thing or I've done it, but have not been properly trained" when the tour guide/s or trainer walks me through their daily routines.

I was even asked to lead a training session for free by a ex-military coach who teaches crossfit because he was so amazed at how disciplined I was with following the basics for my first time. He was amazed by the numbers I've put up. I ended up not returning to the place because of financial issues, but it made me feel good inside.

So the summary; I've grown so much over these past years, I've cast my doubts aside until I've finally been able to do the unfamiliar exercises myself. Watching it on youtube and doing it on your own is completely different. Haft of them, I was blessed to have learned because they were exercises that I would never imagine, the other haft...I discarded because it just wasn't for me.

So before you pull a red flag on another person's post or advice, picture it mentally first, approach it as a new-comer so you can get a sense of benefit as if you were new to this whole fitness game; because not everyone is at the same fitness level as you!

Best wishes and regards,