List 4 things your pets/kids will do when you get home?



  • These lists are adorable!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I have an Italian Greyhound... who is technically my child. ish.

    1) he'll dramatically dance around and jump on me.
    2) he'll pee outside while giving me the staredown (not letting me out of his sight for a second) then run straight for his treat box where he sits and waits for me to give him a treat -- first looking at me, then the treat box, then back at me, then at the treat box.
    3) he'll grab a toy and throw it at me with his mouth (yes, he throws his toys at me with) to let me know he's ready to play.
    4) he'll ignore me the second his dinner is put in his bowl.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    How fun!

    1. My big guy will be heard sniffing under the door as I go to unlock it.
    2. Inside, my little guy will be right there, tail wagging, then run right back to his blanket by where I sit, to chill.
    3. Big guy will block my way into the next room, just standing there for no apparent reason.
    4. Both will eyeball what I'm carrying to see if I have something good to eat :D
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    1.) The dog meets me at the door as if she hasn't seen a human in years.
    2) The seven year old hugs me and yells "mama!" at the top of his lungs.
    3) A teenager will ask me what's for dinner
    4) a different teenager will ignore me

    The teenagers in 3 & 4 are not the same every day. They sort of take turns.
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    A golden retriever/lab and a German shepherd:

    1.) German shepherd will spin in circles stopping each time to ever so gently put my forearm in her mouth
    2.) golden lab will leap up and smack me in the face with her tongue on her way back down
    3.) When German shepherd has bitten me enough she will put one of my shoes in her mouth and trot around the house with it in her mouth, stopping to do a few spins.
    4.) golden lab will get her ball and walk up to me with it, tail wagging for me to start playing with her immediately.

    Oh my God I love my dogs!!
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    My Siamese mix cat:

    1. Runs from wherever he is to greet me
    2. Throws himself on his back, showing his belly to me
    3. Follows me around wherever I go, purring very loudly
    4. gets on my lap the minute I sit down

    The other cat just hovers in the doorway and watches it all.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Radar, my 12-year old kitty .....

    1. saunters in from the bedroom where she's lounged all day
    2. demands that kitty treats be given immediately
    3. then she walks into the living room & turns to look at me
    4. I pick up her kitty brush, sit on the floor & start brushing the little bugger until she shines :heart:
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    2 kids (8 and 5) & 2 cats

    1.Throw school bags on the floor in the middle of the room
    2.Throw shoes on floor in the middle of the room
    3.Raid the pantry
    4.Race upstairs to play Star Wars meets Monster High games

    1. They don't come to me, I have to go to them
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    No kids, one dog- a Shiba Inu. When I get home, she will:

    1) Find a good toy to pick up
    2) Slowly make her way over to say hi, (but no petting allowed lol)
    3) Walk/jog a lap or two between the kitchen and living room
    4) Sit and stare at the fridge because she wants supper

    Oh, you can just feel the love from this dog! :laugh:
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    1. The two dogs will wag their tails like crazy.
    2. The younger, uber friendly but incredibly submissive dog (her natural personality) will go on her back and expose her stomach.
    3. The older Border Collie female and super alpha dog will nudge my knee with her head, which is her signal for "pat me, you dumb human" and soon as she's had enough, she'll crawl under the dining table for a long nap.
    4. My kid will probably be climbing some tree in the front or back yard.
    5. "Mommy..go away..I'm climbing trees." :laugh:
  • The kid is grown, but this is what happens when I get home:

    1. My poodle Jules will jump up and down at the other side of the door, sometimes push it back shut in her excitement, then attempt to walk on 2 back legs while similtaneously nipping at me while I repeatedly say "no jumping, no bite."
    2. Male cat Max (17ish years old) will begin the wailing scream of hunger as if he's not eaten in the last week and may sucumb b/f I get the food into the bowl.
    3. Female cat, Sabrina, (also 17ish) will attempt 1st to out the door into the dark, then attempt same said sad wailing song, then scarf her food and attempt to push Max from his bowl, then run over to the dog bowl to see if any has been left, then run for the hills when we attempt to give her thyroid meds.
    4. Pup will see dad put "chuck-it" in his pocket, pour a nice dram of scotch and begin jumping to his eye level in anticipation of chasing a battered tennis ball in the dark until it becomes hopelessly lost and huff at any perceived creature (squirrel, turkey, squnk) lurking after her ball. :bigsmile:

    Oh and the pup quite regularly hits the hubby in the nuts on one of these high jumps.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I just have one dog, Levi Wigglesworth and he gets corralled in the kitchen while I am away.

    1. He whines/barks
    2. Gets up and stretches
    3. Spins around in circles and wags tail.
    4. Gets on couch and waits for food.

    Sometimes its a frantic thank god you are home bark and sometimes its just a meh, you finally made it bark.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    1) I open the front door to her fuzzy face - MEOW
    2) If she's not @ the open door, she's sauntering out from the bedroom, again with the overly loud (and demanding) _ MEOW
    3) Sits in front of either - the kitchen sink or her food bowl and continues to "talk" to me, getting louder as I take longer to get inside and find her bowl empty
    4) Look at the meager amount of NOM i put in her bowl, *BIG CAT SIGH* then sit down to eat. (She is a gobbler, so she gets lots of little meals instead of 2-3 big bowls)

    step five

    FIND MY LAP and DEMAND pets and ear rubs
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    This thread needs a little more variety other than cats, dogs, and kids!!!! Where are the other pets?!?! :angry:

    I have 2 ferrets, and 3 quails, although the quails are not pets per say, so much as "miniature house chickens" we keep for eggs.

    When I get home it normally goes something like this:

    1. The female quails panick and jump up from their roosting positions when I walk over to see how they are doing - they know I ate their friend a few weeks ago :devil:
    2. Upon opening the quail cage to give them fresh water, the male quail eagerly jumps through the divider and frantically drives his weird little bird pecker into the first female I can grab. Thanks for the show, one second wonder!
    3. Ferrets are normally still sleeping, so I squeal and poke at them. They look at me with beady, unexpressive eyes and yawn.
    4. Two seconds later, ferrets are back asleep :grumble: That's fine, I didn't want to play with you either! :angry:

    Sometimes the ferrets are out when I get home, so numbers 3 and 4 would go something more like this:

    3. Ferrets surprise me by attacking my socks immediately after I take off my shoes

    They're so adorable :laugh:
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    1. Jackson (pittie) runs out the gate and hops in the truck. He rides with me to the inside of the gate and hops out when I close it, excited as all hell that he got to go for a ride.
    2. Bindi (younger tabby cat) will have been piling socks outside the bedroom door all day in an attempt to conjure me home so I can feed her.
    3. Eliza (older tabby cat) wags her tail and jumps up on me like a dog.
    4. Perrin (boy) regales me with a play-by-play of his RPG exploits up to that point.