Help With Lifting Weights

jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am trying to figure out a 30 minute weight lifting routine, I hate lifting but I know that I need to do it. I am training for a marathon and I can do cardio with the best of them for hours on end but I get bored and annoyed after 30 seconds with the weights. Any advice is accepted!! Thank you!!


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Try a good dvd like Jillian Michaels No more trouble Zones. Its a full body workout with light weights and stil keeps the endurance up. You would love it
  • mizyvee
    mizyvee Posts: 74 Member
    I would suggest making a routine before hand. How many "Sets" , "Reps", and "Weight". Then just follow it, that way you can focus on following the list instead of focusing on how much you dislike the weight lifting.
  • Do you belong to a gym? If so, check to see what they have in the way of strength classes. I have found that this is the only way I can stomach a strength workout, because like you, I find weights really boring when I'm by myself. When I'm in a group of other people though, I'm pumped!
  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
    I do belong to a gym and that is a great idea thank you I will look into those!

    I will also look into the Jillian Michael DVD, thank you!
  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    I alternate cardio with weight lifting. Try running 10 min., then 10 min. of weights, etc. This is circuit training so it burns a lot of calories and builds muscle!
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Try these full bodyweight exercises that you can do at home without weight for 20 minutes:



    Body-weight squat 2 15
    Side-to-side lunge 2 10 *
    Inverted push-up 2 10
    Push-up 2 10
    Close-grip push-up 2 10
    Lying torso raise 2 10
    Weightless concentration curl 2 10
    Crunch 2 15

    * 10 for each side.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    There are lots of great places to find workout routines - the New Rules of Lifting for Women has some routines outlined, The Abs Diet books also have some suggested routines. You can find good routines in Oxygen magazine and probably on Women's Health magazine online (but those tend to be 'softer') routines - Men's Health online also has some good workouts (there's a good one for a medicine ball that my daughter loves: The Tar Heels workout. You can find it by doing a search on

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • Have a Netflix account?
    Look up "Integrated Strength Training" (the one with Jeffrey Scott). It's a Watch Instantly selection and it targets multiple muscle groups at once. All you need is a set of dumbells (they use two different sets, one lighter, one heavier) but I generally just use the one set I have for both.
  • mizyvee
    mizyvee Posts: 74 Member
    @ Stringcheeze - Thanks for that info. I had not thought of searching Netflix for workout purposes. Good looking out!
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