exercise for the chest - WOMEN



  • Letje_Lux
    Personally I don't think you'll increase cup size, you'll just get lift and firmness.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Not sure if you're serious. Boobs are not muscles.

    Behind the breast tissue is muscle. Increase the mass of the muscle, you give the appearance of larger breasts. There is a more pronounced projection of the tissue = larger cup size. Any chest exercises will help. Bench press, incline bench, pushups, flies, etc.

    Not true for all. I did chest exercises (along with deficit and other exercises) and I lost mine!! They are gone. I did not go up in cup size I went down. I am one of the less fortunate that loses the boobs first when losing weight, but adding exercises like push ups, flys, dumbbell press.... didn't help matters at.all!! I still do push ups, but pretty much removed most of the other "chest" exercises.