Planet Fitness Anyone?



  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Aren't tootsie rolls really small? Maybe they are there for exercise-induced hypoglycemia, lol.

    Pizza is just dinner in these parts ;) One slice or maybe two. Yum! Free dinner right about the time I'd eat it, after lifting heavy. Works for me.

    I'll have to check out their weights section. I have one right up the road and $10 is way cheaper than I expected any gym to be. I can't get enough weight on my glute bridges at home, so I'd go just to do those for 10 bucks.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I get it now, I think, having just looked at their website! The 'no lunk' ads (you have to watch them)? The not showing that they have free weights? A reputation of serving junk food? Imho, it's a marketing thing. That's how they get 'no lunks' coming. If people think it's not a serious gym, that avoids the really judgmental types. Ha! That's pretty brilliant.

    The question is, how is their equipment? I seriously didn't even know they had free weights.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    All I know is that I'm having pizza for dinner tonight. I don't need PF to supply it to me, when I want it, I get it and eat it.

    PF markets to the people who don't want to work out at a gym where there are huge body builders who stand around judging the less than stellar bodies. Not all gyms are that way, but many of them are. I know, I've belonged to a lot of gyms in my life. So marketing pizza and bagels to people who normally would be intimidated by going to the gym is a good thing, in my opinion. If they can't take personal responsibility for what they eat, then the gym isn't going to cause them to over eat or eat poorly. They will already be making those choices without belonging to PF.