Here I Go...Again

I'm tired of making excuse for not losing weight...I'm making a plan and sticking to it! Anyone who reads this is going to be my inspiration! I had lost 18 lbs and gained it all back...and I was not even that happy with the 18 lbs gone, so I know I have a long road ahead of me. I know I don't feel as happy as I once was, and I want to get there. Knowing I have so far to go is discouraging and that is where I usually lose myself. But enough is enough. Sometimes you get to that point!

My husband plays softball about 24 weekends in a row and 2 nights a week. Which means drinking tasty Miller Lite...but softball is winding down and I won't have any more excuses.

Since Monday I have cut out my pop intake completely. Which is rough on a girl who isn't a morning person! I've vowed to only drink my wonderful Miller Lites Friday and Saturday, instead of the 4-5-6 days I was used to this summer... if this doesn't cause enough change I'll have to cut it out completely!

I have made a schedule and hope to stick to it:

Monday - Body Bar at Fit 4 Life
Tuesday - Run 2 circuits on the treadmill (4 miles)
Wednesday - Walk "the loop" with my mother-in-law (5 miles)
Thursday - Run on the treadmill for 1 circuit (2 miles), and do Jillians 30 Day Shred
Friday - Only if you have done all the previous days' workouts, have a beer, relax, celebrate (but not too much).

So far it seems to be going good. I've lost 3 pounds since Monday, even though I'd like to drop it quicker I know this is the healthy route to doing so.

I'm going place rewards on my weight goals, perhaps it will give me something to shoot for!

10 lbs lost by August 27th (this is only a week away and I have 7 lbs to go!) PUSH PUSH! -- I get a Philly Cheese Steak from my favorite place to eat if I can pull this off! In past diet attempts I find myself setting unrealistic goals and getting pissed at myself and quitting--I hope this isn't one of them!

20 lbs - start tanning

30 lbs by October 30th - I know this will be hard, does anyone think it will be unrealistic? I pick October 30th only because Halloween is my favorite day of the year. We get bus every year and I want to look fabulous in my costume!

40 lbs - This would put me back at my high school weight, which was only 7 years ago! Wish me luck in my journey!


  • BishopSpence
    BishopSpence Posts: 8 Member
    One to two pounds a week should be a realistic goal. The beer should be eliminated-period! It blouts you and keeps you wanting more. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. You can make it if you try harder. I am pulling and praying for you and your desire to lose the weight. We can do it; just be realistic about it.
  • bnading
    bnading Posts: 8
    I'll see what I can do about that! it most likely won't be cut out all the way for two more weeks..but after that it is realistic until I reach my goal and learn how to keep it off.

    Thanks for your support!
  • ShayNicole2010
    You will do well because you're at the "that's enough!" point. Plus, this is a good time of year to commit to your goals! The weather is still nice enough to get out and enjoy! Good for you for taking the first step, patience will be the key to achieving your goal. Don't get discouraged, there are a lot of people out there that have struggled, but eventually conquered their goal. You can do it to! You have a lot of support, so take advantage of it!