Struggling to do this again!

Hi everyone, I'm having a real hard time sticking to my calories. I have no idea why other than ridiculously low willpower.

I previously lost 53lb on MFP after having my baby 3 years ago and kept it off for over a year, but lost my job, got back together with my my babies daddy (we split for a year) comfort and lack of moving it crept back on and I know I've no one to blame but myself.

The only difference between now and then is, I don't hate myself as much anymore! My weight isn't something that is constantly on my mind like it was before. But yet, I still do want to lose it for vanity and health, to fit into my wardrobe again, run around after my son.

But I just seem to 'forget' (for want of a better word) about it. I have a brilliant week, occasionally restricting on the carbs due to skin issues which gives me major cravings eventually and the week after I'll relax the rules a bit, and week after - gone! Then back to the start again.

It's frustrating because I DO want it, before I'd think about it 24/7, couldn't wait to weigh myself, enjoyed counting the calories and seeing the results as the weight came off. This time it seems a lot of effort to input my calories every day, haven't seen no results to get excited about, and only step on the scales every time I restart.

I know there isn't alot of advice anyone can give me, probably tell me I'm not ready, I think I am, just got my priorities wrong. My calories are set at 1600 so I'm not going without. Just can't seem to find that magic moment that gives me the determination to continue constantly.

Any words of wisdom? Any tips? Advice?

Anyone else had this at some point if so how did you over come it?



  • JamiesMummyX
    JamiesMummyX Posts: 37 Member
    Anyone with some advice? x
  • leudey
    Hoping I don't get thread bashed here for suggesting a diet over a 'lifestyle change', but what works for me is being intentional for 6 weeks at a time then taking a good break and eating maitenance for 2 weeks. I've lost 20 kgs this way( most of it prior to mfp). Find something that works, allow yourself 2 cheat meals per week and break it down into small goals for yourself! When I do low carb sometimes I cycle my carb intake and calorie deficit just to keep things interesting!

    This is what I do and I've never gained back anything on a maitenance period.

    Another thing I do is work out with my hubby, that way we motivate each other. Good luck!!
  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    I hear you and sympathize. Back in 2006, I had lost 50+ pounds, kept it off for 3 years and then let it all (plus more) creep back on. I wanted to lose it, but I couldn't find that motivation that I had to lose it before. I joined our school's Biggest Loser club, which was helpful as far as motivation. I was on a team and needed to lose for everyone. However, my progress was so slow, I was starting to lose motivation. I ended up going on an Ideal Protein diet which entailed a weekly weigh-in with a coach. Between that and the cost of the program, I really wanted results. So I got them. I lost 35 pounds in 13 weeks. However, it wasn't a lifestyle; it was a weight loss tool. So I found MFP, hopefully have changed my lifestyle, and lost another 17 pounds. Motivation ultimately comes from within, but it helped me to be on a program that kept me accountable to someone else. I find reading these boards, especially the success stories, is also a motivator. Good luck!
  • Werfam
    Werfam Posts: 29
    Awesome job!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You'll know when you're ready to do it. Until then, it's ok to not keep banging your head against a wall, and accept yourself as you currently are.
  • JamiesMummyX
    JamiesMummyX Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone, Leudy, cheat meals are an idea. If I can find myself clever enough not to let it ruin the rest of the week! I find when I get overly full/bloated I tend to want to feel like that again the next day. Hmm I wonder, must be worth a shot though, nothing to lose.

    Maryb, well done to you on getting the weight off again, I do love the success stories on this site, so many amazing ones. I haven't looked in a couple weeks, I'll go on over in a minute and have a look. :)

    Thanks Knight, I know you're right, I'm ok as I am and I'm happy how I am. I guess I just want the best of both worlds.